Christian Life
“Christ is Lord”: What Does it Mean?
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Confession, Salvation, Shalom
Topics: Following Jesus
We enter the domain of God’s reign when we enthrone Christ as Lord of our life. This seems simple enough. But actually, I think there’s a lot of misunderstanding of what this means. The Bible…
Are Christians Required to Give 10% of Their Income to the Church?
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Finances, Tithing
Question: I and my husband have become increasingly uncomfortable with the many sermons on tithing we’ve been recently hearing at our church. Our pastor insists we tithe 10% to the church regardless of what else we…
Podcast: What are Your Thoughts on MMA Fighting and Other Violent Sports?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Christian Life, lifestyle warfare, Non-Violence, Violence
Greg *wrestles* through violence in sports.
Podcast: Why Did Jesus Tell Us Not to Worry About Food When People Are Starving to Death?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Christian Life, Discipleship, Life in Christ
Greg talks about worry in Matthew 6:26-27 and talks about the fact that people really die about the things that people worry about.
The Holy Alternative
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Holiness, Jesus
Topics: Following Jesus
God is holy because he’s utterly “other” and distinct from anything in the created world. Certain objects are called holy because they’re set apart from common objects, having been consecrated to God for a special…
Can Christians be Demon Possessed?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Demonization, Demons, Possession
Topics: Sin
The Greek word that is usually translated “demon-possessed” in the Gospels is demonizomai, which literally means “to be rendered passive toward a demon.” It’s unfortunate, in my view, that the term is usually translated “demon possession.”…
Sermon Clip: Generic God
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Christian Life, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Living, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
“Let’s all just get along.” Is this what God and religion are really about? All we have to do is just be good to people? Almost all religions can agree on this, but it is…
Sermon Clip: Dear Abby
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Christian Life, Kingdom Living, Love, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
In this short sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses Matthew 7. The infamous “plank in your own eye vs a speck of dust in your neighbors. He clarifies what this verse means when you have a…
Sermon Clip: Tough To Love
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Christian Life, Kingdom Living, Love, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
Learning how to love the people in our life that we find challenging to deal with is often very difficult. This week in Heart Smart Greg Boyd looks at some biblical examples and instructions on…
Sermon Clip: Brain Reign
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Christian Life, Kingdom Living, Love, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
In this short clip, Greg Boyd discusses the 3 parts to who we are to help understand the brains role. What does role does the mind, body, and spirit play in who we are? In…
Sermon Clip: Spiritual Bodybuilding
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Bible, Christian Life, Greg Boyd, Sermons
In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd introduces the idea of charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, or those gifts often referred to as the supernatural gifts. In the full sermon he discusses each gift individually,…

Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Idolatry, Life, Life in Christ
We must always be aware of the fact that there is a constant lure toward idolatry in our demonically-oppressed world. It is profoundly easy to be getting all one’s LIFE from Christ and to be…

Beyond Theoretical Salvation
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Confession, Faith, Kingdom Living, Present Perfect, Salvation
Profession of Christ’s lordship in our lives isn’t a magical formula. It’s more than a theory about how we can get saved if we confess the right doctrines. The confession has meaning only when it’s…
Sermon: Kingdom Nice
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Christian Life, Christianity, Woodland Hills Church
Did Jesus’ disciples break up?!? In this short clip, Greg Boyd talks about conflict between the disciples and how they handled it in a Christ-like way. The little things we do in the Kingdom make…
How should Christians respond to Near Death Experiences?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Death, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Living, Sermons, Theology
Topics: Death and Salvation, End Times, Following Jesus
In a recent Q and A session about the book of Revelation, Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy answer a question on How Christians should respond to claims of Near Death Experiences. You can view the…

Listening to Music, and Some New Developments
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Greg Boyd, Music, Spiritual Formation
Over the last four months, I’ve spent one to two hours a day listening to music. I’ve obviously had to cut back on my writing/reading, but I feel like I’m supposed to do this, at…
Is Your Accelerator Stuck?
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Counter-Culture, Rest
In this story today from CNN, we see video of a woman who is trapped in a vehicle that is malfunctioning so that it keeps accelerating and cannot stop. It’s hard to imagine the panic…
Engaging the Culture
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Culture, Kingdom Living
Mark McIntyre shares some thoughts here on the culture wars that often define our relationship to the world outside of the Church. We are called to be a people who are known by our love…
Following Jesus as You
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Kingdom Living
Rachel Held Evans posted an insightful blog today (it was actually a repost from 2011) engaging the problem of discouragement as we encounter various ideals of what it means to be a Christian versus the…