God’s Church is Not “Pretty”
Category: General
Tags: Authenticity, Church, Community, Honesty, Love, Truth
Topics: The Church
This week we’ve been looking at various aspects of what it means to be the church. Today, I want to address the paradox of how the church can be both beautiful and ugly at the…
The Purpose of the Church
Category: General
Tags: Church, Kingdom Living
Topics: The Church
Unlike most social groups, the relationships forged in the body of Christ are not ends in and of themselves. Rather, Christ calls us to unite with other believers for a unique purpose: to grow in,…
Dismembered: The Church and Individualism
Category: General
Tags: Body of Christ, Church, House Churches, Individualism, Western Assumptions
Topics: The Church
Those God has saved are called to be the church, not go to church. This distinction is vitally important. The church consists of all those who entered into the new covenant that Jesus inaugurated by…
The Problem with “Church”
Category: General
Tags: Church, Constantine, Politics, Power
Topics: The Church
Many people think of church as a religious building people attend once a week to sing, hear a sermon, take an offering and perhaps participate in the Lord’s Supper (or “take Communion”). Many refer to the…
What Are the “Keys to the Kingdom”?
Category: General
Tags: Church, Jesus, Satan, Spiritual Warfare
Verse: Matthew 16
And I tell you that you are Peter [petros = rock], and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys…
Signs of Hope
Category: General
Tags: Church, Greg Boyd, Hope, Nomad, Revolution
Topics: The Church Greg taped this video for the Nomad podcast series called Signs of Hope. He discusses the hope he finds in the death of Christendom, and the rise in the beautiful new, peace-loving, non-violent, Jesus-centered, global movement.
How To Fix The Church: The Kingdom of God (Part 4)
Category: General
Tags: Church, Jesus, Kingdom, Kingdom Living
Topics: Following Jesus
God has leveraged everything on the Church loving like Jesus loved, as outlined in our previous posts in this series. “By this the world will know you are my disciples,” Jesus said, “by your love”…
The Purpose of the Church
Category: General
Tags: Church, Kingdom Living, Spiritual Warfare
Concerning the preaching of the Gospel, Paul wrote that God’s intent was that “through the church the wisdom of God in its rich variety might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in…
The Problem with Mixing Church & Government
Category: General
Tags: Church, Constantine, Government, Myth of a Christian Nation, Politics, Power
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Image by fusion-of-horizons via Flickr Some people insist that the only reason that neither Jesus nor anyone else in the first several centuries of the church tried to dominate the political system of their day was…
Greg Shares His Journey and Some Challenges Ahead
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Church, Greg Boyd, Journey, Missio Alliance, Myth of a Christian Nation, Post-Christendom
Topics: Following Jesus Last September, Greg was asked to give the opening address at the Missio Alliance event Church & Post-Christian Culture: Christian Witness in the Way of Jesus. You can find more information here. Special thanks to our very…
Lighten Up: Your Church Should Welcome This Friend
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Church, Curiosity, Lighten Up, Q&A
Cartoon via
Sermon Clip: Don’t Be A Butthead
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Christianity, Church, Greg Boyd, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
With so many people claiming to hold the truth, it can be easy to get lost in all the noise. We can be tempted to make our voice heard by shouting the loudest or…

What Kind of Sinners Feel Welcomed by Your Church?
Category: General
Tags: Church, Homosexuality, Judgment, Kingdom Living, Repenting of Religion, Sin, Sinners
Perhaps the greatest indictment on evangelical churches today is that they are not generally known as refuge houses for sinners—places where hurting, wounded, sinful people can run and find love that does not question, an…

Lessons from Jimmy Fallon
Category: General
Tags: Church, Fun, Jimmy Fallon
David Henson published a blog last week entitled 6 Things the Church Can Learn From Jimmy Fallon that we thought was a tad profound. What would the church look like if we embraced these lessons?…
Sermons: The Church – Week Five
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Church, Cruciform Theology, Greg Boyd, Woodland Hills Church
In week five of this sermon series, Greg Boyd discusses what the church should look like in the lens of the cross. A universal Church was born out of the ministry of Jesus, and this…

Leaders in the Revolution: An Invitation
Category: General
Tags: Church, Connecting, Fellowship, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Revolution, Leaders, Mark Moore, Viva la Revolution!
Kevin Dooley via Compfight Network Exploration Meeting There is a growing movement of pastors, church planters, and churches around the globe who have become convinced that the center of the Gospel is a Jesus-looking God…

How We Are Defined
Category: General
Tags: Church, Kingdom Living, Love Your Neighbor, Politics, Zack Hunt
Burstein! via Compfight Zack Hunt wrote a piece called Abortion, Gay Marriage, Immigration, Gun Control, and the Church over at A Deeper Story. He points out that we have a big problem on our hands…

We Need The Church
Category: General
Tags: Church, Faithfulness, Rachel Held Evans
Vicki & Chuck Rogers via Compfight Last week we shared a thought-provoking article by Rachel Held Evans on the reasons millennials are leaving the church. This week we want to share a follow-up to that…