Is America Uniquely Favored by God?
Category: General
Tags: America, Greed, Poverty
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
The tendency of wealth to entrap people in greed has been confirmed in numerous studies. Research has consistently shown that, generally speaking, the more people have, the less percentage of their income they tend to…
Consumer Wars: Sermon Clip
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Consumerism, Contentment, Finances, Greed, Kingdom Living
To go along with our other post today, here’s a clip from Greg’s sermon last week. If you don’t have any financial margin in your life, this might have something to do with it. You…

Immoral TOHU wa BOHU
Category: General
Tags: Greed, Sermons, Sexual Impurity
Here’s a sneak peek of Greg’s sermon from this last week. In his sermon, Greg discusses that TOHU wa BOHU is the term the Old Testaments writers used to describe the formless, empty and chaotic world…
Rooting Out Our Own Greed
Category: General
Tags: Greed, Simplicity
Joshua Becker is a Christian who focuses on a lifestyle of simplicity on his blog Becoming Minimalist. He wrote a book called Simplify: 7 Guiding Principles to Help Anyone Declutter Their Home and Life as well…