What Does ‘Your Faith Has Healed You’ Mean? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, healing, Miracles, Prayer
Greg discusses faith, doubt, and healings. Episode 486 http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0486.mp3
Podcast: Can Satan Heal People?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: healing, Satan, Satan and the Problem of Evil
Greg considers whether Satan has the ability to heal people. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0268.mp3
Faith or Magic?
Category: General
Tags: Covenant, Doubt, Faith, healing, Homosexuality, Magic, Salvation, Sin
Many Christians today treat faith like magic. While the content of what Christians believe is obviously different from pagan practitioners of magic, the way they believe and the motive they have for believing, seems to…
Why Did God Heal or Not?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Faith, healing, Sickness, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Faith & Doubt, The Problem of Evil
In 1996 a 27-year-old man in my church named David was diagnosed with an inoperable brain cancer. The doctors decided to send David to the Mayo Clinic to receive some experimental treatments on the slim…
Does God Still Heal?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Faith, healing, Sickness, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Faith & Doubt, The Problem of Evil
In the ancient world Jesus was known first and foremost as an exorcist and a healer. These two activities are mentioned in every summary of Jesus’s ministry found in the Gospels. It’s common for Western…
Why Doesn’t God Heal When We Ask?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Faith, healing, Sickness, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Faith & Doubt, The Problem of Evil
If we are called to manifest what Jesus manifested and revolt against what Jesus revolted against, and Jesus carried out the kingdom through healing, then why doesn’t God heal those we pray for? One of…

Faith, Healing & Modern Medicine
Category: General
Tags: healing, Kingdom, Mental Illness
On Monday, we offered a post related to the struggles of Robin Williams that referred to how chemical imbalance can cause depression and how those who struggle have this condition should seek medical help. However,…
In the Face of Blueprint Words
Category: General
Tags: Blueprint Worldview, healing, Henry Kelley, Hope, Jessica Kelley, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Many of you know Jessica Kelley through the posts we’ve featured about her on the ReKnew site. She is someone we’ve come to love very much. Jessica lost her five year old son Henry to…

Sandy Hook: Evil Did Not Win
Category: General
Tags: Current Events, Evil, healing, Hope
The story of one little girl who was killed at Sandy Hook and what became of the family in the aftermath. We live in a world where school shootings are almost becoming commonplace. It’s important…

In Search of Healing During Advent
Category: General
Tags: Abuse, Advent, God With Us, healing, Incarnation, Mennonerds, The Femonite, The Jesus Event, Tyler Tully
Tyler Tully was a guest-poster on The Femonite today. He generally blogs at The Jesus Event and is a contributor to the Mennonerds network. His guest post deals with the flashbacks of a childhood filled…

Forgiving (and Loving!) Your Only Son’s Killer
Category: General
Tags: Forgiveness, Grace, healing, Mary Johnson, Mercy, Oshea Israel
StoryCorps is an organization whose mission is to provide Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of their lives. We came across this extraordinary story on The…

Jesus and those “Other People”
Category: General
Tags: Friends, healing, Kingdom, Love, Nicky Marshall, Prejudice
Adele Booysen via Compfight Nicky Marshall is the husband of one wife (Raquel), father or two boys (Nathan and Elijah) and serves as assistant pastor at The Living Room Church in Barbados. Nicky is also…