Imaginative Prayer
Why Your Imagination Matters
Category: General
Tags: Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Transformation
The flesh, which we discussed in this post earlier this week, is shaped by Satan’s web of deception that deeply infects our imaginations. This is why it has such power to move us to perform…
Podcast: Is Using the Imagination Spiritually Dangerous?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Imagination, Imaginative Prayer
Greg talks about cataphatic prayer and the role of the imagination.
Podcast: Why Does Prayer Feel So Fake?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Imaginative Prayer, Prayer
Greg talks about practicing a prayer discipline and battling against feelings of superficiality in prayer.
Overcoming the Flesh
Category: General
Tags: Experiencing God, Fruit of the Spirit, Imaginative Prayer, The Holy Spirit, Transformation
In Monday’s post, we talked about the nature of the flesh. Here let’s introduce the work of the Spirit in overcoming the flesh. The Holy Spirit’s goal in pointing us to Christ is to replace…
How to be Transformed
Category: General
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Prayer, Rest, Transformation
We are transformed as we gaze upon the beauty and glory of God. Paul put it this way, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image…
How to Produce the Fruit of the Spirit
Category: General
Tags: Fruit of the Spirit, Imaginative Prayer, Jesus, Peace, Prayer, Seeing is Believing, The Holy Spirit, Transformation
When the New Testament tells us to be loving, joyful, peaceful, kind and so on, it is not giving us a new set of behaviors that we are to strive to accomplish. Striving to attain…
How the Holy Spirit Changes Us
Category: General
Tags: Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Seeing is Believing, The Holy Spirit
The Bible is full of stories of people who experienced the presence of God. If we are to experience something similar today, we must, through the Spirit, cultivate the spiritual capacity of an inner life…
The Spiritual Value of Doing Nothing
Category: General
Tags: Imaginative Prayer, Prayer, Rest
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
It is only when we cease from our striving and rest in the unconditional love of Christ that our soul begins to be nourished and restored. It is only then that we can experience a…
Performance Christianity—Getting Over It
Category: General
Tags: Experiencing Jesus, Identity in Christ, Imaginative Prayer, Picture of God, Seeing is Believing
Image by Martijn Braat via Flickr Many Christians feel empty, tired, and apathetic, if not positively angry, though few express this out loud because it’s usually taboo to do so within Christian circles. These believers often fault…

Why Can’t I Feel God?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Experiencing God, Experiencing Jesus, Imagination, Imaginative Prayer, Prayer
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
Question: Greg, you’re always talking about how we need to keep our eyes fixed on the cross to see and experience God’s love for us. But I find myself arguing with God, asking him: “How…

Imaging God Wrongly: God’s Self-Portrait, Part 2
Category: Essays
Tags: Adam and Eve, Character of God, Essay, Idolatry, Imaginative Prayer, Picture of God, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
Topics: Christology
Our relationship with God depends on the way we imagine God. When we get the image of God right, the doors open for us to trust and relate to God in the ways we were…