Jonathan Martin
Conservative/Liberal are not Theological Categories
Category: General
Tags: Jonathan Martin, Kingdom, Politics, Religion
We wanted to repost something by Jonathan Martin today that struck a chord with us about the theological emptiness of political boxes. It’s brief and beautifully written and we hope you’ll read the entire article…
The Politics of Demonization
Category: General
Tags: Hatred, Jonathan Martin, Politics, Satan
Jonathan Martin posted a blog this week that we wanted to share called the politics of demonization (demonic talk on immigration, & other things). Have you noticed the hateful ways that we characterize the “other” in public discourse? Jonathan…
Category: General
Tags: Jonathan Martin, Micah J Murray, Prototype, Redemption
Micah J. Murray wrote the funnest illustrated book review of Jonathan Martin’s book Prototype, so we just had to feature it here. That’s his photoshopped pic of Jonathan as well, which is pretty much worth the price…

The Gift of Smallness
Category: General
Tags: Father, Humility, Jonathan Martin, Love, Rest
ram reddy via Compfight Jonathan Martin wrote this piece entitled Feeling at home in my smallness a couple of weeks ago. If you’ve been feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders…

A Distinctly Christian Take on the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Category: General
Tags: Current Events, Israel, Jonathan Martin, Peacemaking
David Masters via Compfight Here is a great essay, written by a young kingdom revolutionary I’m just getting to know, Jonathan Martin. Jonathan addresses the hot topic of the Israel-Palestine conflict with biblical insight, theological…