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The Gift of Bearing Witness

Lumen Christi

Eustaquio Santimano via Compfight

Our friend, Jonathan Martin, was featured in She Loves Magazine in a piece he wrote called At Least One Person Waiting. It’s an extraordinary reflection on sitting with the ones we love when they are suffering and we are powerless.

From Jonathan’s reflection:

We all have different skills, different things to offer, different limitations. I know there are suffering people near to every one of us, and that what they need right now may be nothing more or less than someone who is willing to be with them—someone who will not be squeamish about their wounds. My sense is that when we are willing to stand by others through their greatest suffering, somewhere, somehow we will also bear witness to the reality of resurrection.

If we wait long enough.

Also, Jonathan’s book, Prototype was recently published. Here’s a trailer to give you an idea of what it’s about:

Jonathan Martin | Prototype from Caravan on Vimeo.

Related Reading

Podcast: Are Our Personal Afflictions the Result of Our Personal Sins?

Greg considers the cause of our afflictions, the healing at Bethesda, and Monty Python. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0086.mp3

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