6 Things the Church Fathers Can Teach Us about Spiritual Warfare
Category: General
Tags: Evil, Natural Evil, Problem of Evil, Satan, Sin, Spiritual Warfare, Theodicy
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Image by Christina Saint Marche via Flickr Unlike our thinking today about the source of good and evil in the world, the early church fathers, including Irenaus, Athenagorus, Origen, and others before Augustine, possessed a warfare…
Where is Human Free Will in the Bible?
Category: General
Tags: Evil, Free Will, God's Will, Love, Problem of Evil, Theodicy
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
The Bible is emphatic on its teaching that humans possess free will and are capable of originating evil. Notice, for example, that in the very first chapter of the Bible God commands humans to be…
Lord Willing? Part 3
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Henry Kelley, Jessica Kelley, Lord Willing?, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil
In this final segment of Greg’s discussion with Jessica Kelley about her book Lord Willing?, Jessica talks about how to respond to someone who is grieving or in crisis. You can find part 1 here…
Lord Willing? Part 2
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Henry Kelley, Jessica Kelley, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil
In Part 2 of Greg’s interview of Jessica Kelley about her book Lord Willing?, they discuss the theology that helped Jessica through her son Henry’s illness and death. You can find Part 1 of the…
Lord Willing? Part 1
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Evil, Henry Kelley, Jessica Kelley, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Greg sat down with Jessica Kelley recently to talk with her about her book Lord Willing?. We’re posting their conversation in three parts. Today, in part 1, Jessica shares the story of when her son Henry was…
God of Sense and Traditions of Non-Sense
Category: General
Tags: Book Reviews, Cruciform Theology, freedom, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil
As the title suggests, in his book, God’s Problem: How The Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question – Why We Suffer, Bart Ehrman argues that the Bible has nothing compelling to say about…
Friday Lights: A Theologian Goes to Hollywood
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: Suffering, Theodicy
Each Friday we post content sent to us by our readers that is inspiring, funny, lighthearted or just generally fun. If you’d like more information on submitting content for this feature you can get more information here….
Paradigm Shift Questions
Category: General
Tags: Open Theism, Q&A, Spiritual Warfare, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Open Theism
A couple that was recently introduced to ReKnew and several of my books recently wrote to tell me that they are in the process of embracing the warfare worldview along with the open view of…
Divine Wisdom
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Calvinism, Evil, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Suffering, The Work of the People, Theodicy
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Why doesn’t God end it all and stop the slaughter? Why does God allow suffering and evil to go on so long? Here, Greg offers two possible answers to these questions. Option A is that all evil somehow is…
Warfare Worldview: A Basic Definition
Category: General
Tags: Blueprint Worldview, Evil, Open Theism, Satan, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
The warfare worldview is based on the conviction that our world is engaged in a cosmic war between a myriad of agents, both human and angelic, that have aligned themselves with either God or Satan….
Did Jesus Say That God Causes Blindness?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Blueprint Worldview, God at War, Sickness, Spiritual Warfare, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Verse: John 9
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this…
“Natural” Evil? 7 Arguments Implicating Satan
Category: General
Tags: Creation, God at War, Natural Evil, Problem of Evil, Satan, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Creation Care, Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Image by Jmos® via Flickr We believe that God is the Creator of nature, but nature simply does not seem to point to a God of love. Parasites, viruses, bacteria, diseases and cancer kill millions and torment…
SERMON CLIP: Hell in a Nutshell
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Bible, Theodicy, Theology, Woodland Hills Church
Is hell for real? Is it what we have been told it is? Does an all-loving God really torture people there forever? These are a few of the questions that Greg Boyd touches on in…
Past Sermon Series: Crap Happens
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Greg Boyd, Sermons, Theodicy, Woodland Hills Church
Topics: Apologetics, Open Theism, The Problem of Evil
Why God, why? This may be the most repeated prayer in history. Most people have said it at one point or another, if only under their breath. Why sickness? Why suffering? Why doesn’t God respond to my…
Featured Sermon Series: Scandalous Love
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: God, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Living, Love, Sermons, Theodicy, Theology, Woodland Hills Church
The Scandalous Love series is often considered one of Greg’s and Woodland Hill’s most foundational series. In fact, it was so important that it subsequently led to the Can’t Stop the Love series. Defining…

Why? The Question That Cannot Be Answered
Category: General
Tags: Complexity, Mystery, Problem of Evil, Theodicy
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Yesterday Greg sent out the following flurry of tweets: To provide some background to these tweets, the following illustration will prove helpful: They mystery of evil and an eight-second interval Let’s assume that there is…

Is Suffering Part of God’s Secret Plan?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Calvinism, Compassion, Faith, Is God to Blame?, Problem of Evil, Spiritual Warfare, Suffering, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Providence, Predestination and Free Will, The Problem of Evil
In the Christian tradition since Augustine, the most common explanation for the apparent arbitrariness of life and God’s interaction with humanity has been God’s mysterious will—his “secret plan,” as Calvin says. Whether or not a…
Sermon Clip: God In The Gallows
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Greg Boyd, Sermons, Testimonies, Theodicy, Theology, Warfare Worldview, Woodland Hills Church
Greg has recently returned from a three week trip in Europe, and today he shares stories of how the Kingdom message of a Jesus-looking God, radical love and non-violence is truly spreading all over the…

A Visit to Auschwitz
Category: General
Tags: Auschwitz, Blueprint Worldview, Calvinism, Europe, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Ever since I first learned of the full horror of the Holocaust when I was a freshman at the University of Minnesota I have had a kind of obsessive fascination with it. I’ve studied every…

Theo Graff Podcast: Featuring Jessica Kelley
Category: General
Tags: Jessica Kelley, Problem of Evil, Suffering, T.C. Moore, THEO GRAFF PODCAST, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
We have a special treat for you today. T. C. Moore is a great friend of ReKnew and he’s recently started a “Jesus-centered, hip hop flavored, geeky, theological, kingdom exploration” called the THEO GRAFF PODCAST. He’s…