Thomas Oord
Greg Boyd Chats with Thomas Jay Oord (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Open Theism, Thomas Oord, Tom Oord
Greg talks with Thomas Jay Oord about what God can and can’t do. Episode 674
Why Can’t God? Reflections on the Oord Interview (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Open Future, Open Theism, Process Theology, Thomas Oord, Tom Oord
Greg reflects on his interview with Thomas Jay Oord. Episode 503
Why Can’t God Stop Evil? The Thomas J. Oord Interview (podcast)
Category: General, ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Book Reviews, Books, Evil, Natural Evil, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Thomas Oord, Tom Oord
Greg and Thomas talk about Open Theism and how Greg’s views differ from Thomas’s. Theology nerds, get your compass and your flashlight and prepare to go DEEEEEP in the weeds! Thomas’s book: God Can’t Episode…
Is Greg Too Progressive for Today’s Evangelicalism?
Category: General
Tags: Evangelicalism, Fundamentalism, Orthodoxy, Progressive Christianity, Roger Olson, Thomas Oord
Roger Olson recently posted a very interesting essay entitled Stretching the Evangelical Tent Right and Not Left where he notes that many influential leaders within evangelicalism are pushing to include fundamentalists while simultaneously excluding those they consider “too…

Category: General
Tags: Greg Boyd, John Sanders, Open Theism, ReKnew, Thomas Oord, Woodland Hills Church
As I’m sure many of you know, the understanding of the Christian faith and the model of the Christian church is in the process of being transformed. All around the globe, and in a multitude…