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I Don’t Know
It’s a peculiar thing about evangelical culture that so many of us feel like we’re supposed to have an answer to everything. It’s become our favorite idol: certainty. Maybe it’s a vestige of eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that we want to be like God in this way. In fact, no one can possibly have all the answers. Frank Viola shares some thoughts on the three words that we should probably reacquaint ourselves with: I don’t know.
From his blog post:
Taking a position and pontificating on it when you’ve not done the necessary home work to come to a thoughtful conclusion, or before you’ve received insight from the Holy Spirit on a matter, is just plain reckless. And bluffing (which young men are especially prone to do) is never a wise thing.
So don’t buy into the lie. Just because you may be in ministry doesn’t mean that you have to know all things under the sun or form a conclusion on every topic under heaven (or in the pages between the black leather cover.)
Image by Courtney Carmody. Sourced via Flickr.
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