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ReKnew Retreat
The ReKnew team met this weekend for a retreat. We dreamed some dreams and set some new things in motion. You’ll be hearing more about that in the coming days and weeks, but for now, would you keep this ministry in your prayers if you care about the work we’re doing? We’re all feeling the weight of the need for this message of the beautiful God juxtaposed against the meagerness of our resources. Be blessed.
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Fundraiser Update
THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to this ministry. This is such a great start and we’re feeling very grateful! Here’s where we’re at today: 56 monthly supporters $4810 in one-time gifts $2185 monthly budget We’re keeping this fundraiser going through the end of the year and we’re hoping…
Why Bart Ehrman Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Christmas (Or Your Faith) Part 5
This is the fifth of several videos Greg put together to refute Bart Ehrman’s claims published in the article What Do We Really Know About Jesus? In this segment, Greg points out that none of Bart’s material are new discoveries. Even the most conservative scholars in this field are aware of them, and yet, none of them…
Open2013 Speakers (Video)
Here’s all of the videos of the speakers and their Q&A’s from Open2013. Unfortunately, there was a mix-up and we didn’t get Jessica Kelley’s presentation taped. We’re working to get her to speak again so we can get that to you. Thanks for posting this on youtube T. C.! And now, without further ado… Greg…
Why Bart Ehrman Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Christmas (Or Your Faith) Part 1
This is the first of several videos Greg put together to refute Bart Ehrman’s claims published in the article What Do We Really Know About Jesus? Greg went to school with Bart and is very familiar with his line of thought. He’s also heard of many people who have lost their faith based on his writings.…
How to Overcome the Flesh Mindset
Unless you have taken intentional steps to change, the way you presently experience yourself and the world around you was mostly chosen for you, not by you. Think about that. You inherited a way of interpreting the world. Your brain has been in the process of becoming programmed by factors outside your control from the…
Last Minute Preparations
We’re all busy here at ReKnew making last minute preparations for the Open2013 conference here in St. Paul, MN. It’s our first ever event of this kind and there’s a nervous energy and anticipation. I wonder if you’ll hold this up in prayer if you weren’t able to join us? We have a last minute…