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Election Day Communion Resources

Rachel Held Evans posted today about Election Day Communion and provided resources for those of you who cannot attend one of these services. Let’s all be praying today for unity among the saints and blessings of peace regardless of the outcome of this election.

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Should Christians Recite the Pledge of Allegiance?

A number of years ago I attended a basketball game at a Christian school. Just before the game everyone was asked to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. So I stood, placed my hand over my heart, and began to recite our national creed. Halfway through, however, I began to wonder what I was…

The Politics of Jesus, Part 2

Even in the midst of politically-troubled times, we are called to preserve the radical uniqueness of the kingdom. This, after all, is what Jesus did as he engaged the first century world with a different kind of politics (see post). To appreciate the importance of preserving this distinction, we need to understand that the Jewish…

The Issue that Unites Us

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Responding to Critics On A Pacifist View of the Syrian Crisis

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In a democracy, don’t Christians have a responsibility to participate in politics?

Question: You’ve argued that Christians shouldn’t try to gain power in government on the grounds that Jesus didn’t try to gain power in the political system of his day. But his government didn’t allow for such power. Caesar and Pilate weren’t elected by anyone. Our government allows for this. So don’t we have a responsibility…

When We Talk Politics

In this clip, Greg identifies a source of much of the conflict we experience in our conversations about politics, or other important topics. He does this by introducing the phrase, “your map is not the territory.”  Your brain assembles and interprets the sensations you experience and forms maps of the world based upon those experiences.…