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Category: General
Tags: Easter, ReKnew, Resurrection
Related Reading
Join the Revolution!
We are living at a very important, and very exciting, juncture of history. The old religion of Christendom that has been identified with “Christianity” the last 1600 years is dying, and out of its ruins is arising a new tribe of kingdom revolutionaries. All around the globe people are getting the revelation that the kingdom…
Drum Roll Please: Greg’s Final Critique of Bart Ehrman’s Article
This is the ninth and final of several videos Greg put together to refute Bart Ehrman’s claims published in the article What Do We Really Know About Jesus? Thanks for hanging in there for this last one. I know it was a long wait, but the holidays got inordinately busy for Greg. In this segment, Greg talks…
From Good Friday to Easter
This weekend as you contemplate the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, we pray that God will reveal his unfathomable love for you in new ways. Blessings to all of you from all of us at ReKnew. Photo credit: Claudio via Visualhunt / CC BY
Conflicting Pictures of God
In my ongoing reflections on the ReKnew Manifesto, I’ve spent the last two posts (here and here) arguing that nothing is more important in our life than our mental images of God. If so, then the all-important question is: what authority do we trust to tell us what God is like? To most evangelicals, the…
Manifesto Poster
If you’re a fan of ReKnew, I hope you’ve had the chance to take a look at the ReKnew Manifesto. It’s a 9-point treatise summing up all the big, radical ideas that Greg has been advocating for years, and for which we fellow Jesus-followers stand. Today we are thrilled to announce a fresh, inspiring rendition that we…
Greg Shares His Journey With Chronic Pain
Greg recently decided that he needed to discontinue taking his pain medication despite chronic neck issues for which there are no easy answers. Here he shares that decision and the journey he’s on to remain fully awake to God and others.