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Lighten Up: Guardian Angel

via Unvirtuous Abby

via Unvirtuous Abby




















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Related Reading

Lighten Up: When he thinks no one will see it…

I guess Greg’s editor doesn’t follow his instructions very well.  :) Greg is a great theologian and apologist but he’s not the most brilliant when it comes to technology.

Lighten Up: Elevator Music

Happy Friday!

Lighten Up: When Jesus Walks into a Bar

Image via Laughing Redhead Studio

Lighten Up: Light From Dark

Lighten Up: Square Peg, Round Hole Theology

This comic was featured in The Bohemian Bowmans. If you don’t follow them, you probably should check them out. They’re great.  

Lighten Up: Gratitude

Watch this and then find someone who you’re grateful for and TELL THEM! (I’m not wearing a lab coat, but you should trust me anyway.) Have a great day all you Kingdom people. We’re so grateful for all of you.