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Lighten Up: Square Peg, Round Hole Theology

Theology-vs-God-01-1024x791Theology-vs-God-02-1024x791Theology-vs-God-03-1024x791Theology-vs-God-04-1024x791Theology-vs-God-05-1024x791Theology-vs-God-06-1024x791Theology-vs-God-07-1024x791Theology-vs-God-08-1024x791Theology-vs-God-09-1024x791 Theology-vs-God-10-1024x791This comic was featured in The Bohemian Bowmans. If you don’t follow them, you probably should check them out. They’re great.


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The Cruciform Center Part 2: How John’s Gospel Reveals a Cruciform God

In the previous post, we looked at how the Synoptics illustrate the centrality of the cross. While the Gospel of John varies in its structure and language from the Synoptics, the cross remains at the center. This centrality is expressed in a number of different ways. 1. The role that Jesus’ death plays in glorifying…

If the violent depictions of God in the Bible are not completely accurate, isn’t all of Scripture up for debate?

Question: I’m very intrigued by your cruciform hermeneutics and can’t wait for your book (Crucifixion of the Warrior God) to come out. But I have to say that it strikes me as dangerous. You’re basically saying that the violent portraits of God in the OT are not completely accurate. But doesn’t this place us flawed…

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Loving a Twilight Zone God?

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Lighten Up: A Parody about Church Signs

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCRzjRxmvgI Ever had a problem with cheesy church signs? If so, watch this and have a good belly laugh. Don’t worry, no vile words found here. It’s a parody after all.

Problems with the Simple Foreknowledge View

Some have proposed a model of divine foreknowledge which allows them to avoid the dilemma of affirming either that God creates people for the purpose of sending them to hell (Calvinism) or that he creates them without certain knowledge of their fate (open theism). In this alternative view God knows that certain individuals will be…
