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Holiday & Celebrations

Let\’s Celebrate!, celebrations, fireworks, fourth of july, holidays, independence day, sky

Last month we launched our first e-newsletter for ReKnew and decided to give away ten copies of Greg’s book Benefit of the Doubt to celebrate. Here are the winners:

Jerry from Round Lake, Illinois

Josh from Saint Paul, MN

Jane from Medford, Oregon

Ian from London, UK

Randy from Milwaukie, Oregon

Beth from Pasadena, California

Ben from Southerland, Australia

Matthias from Siloam Springs, Arkansas

Lindsey from Alexandria, Virginia

Briona from Shoreview, MN

Thanks to all of you who have subscribed, and care to follow along and participate in what we’re up to here at ReKnew. If you’d like to give us feedback on the newsletter or anything else, you can contact us at editor@reknew2015.wpengine.com. And If you’d like to subscribe but haven’t done so already, you can provide your email address at the bottom of this page.

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Are You Fully Alive? Here’s the Key

Image by rashdada via flickr.  The cross reveals the full truth about us. This truth reconnects us with our true source of life, which in turn heals our idol addictions. This dimension of the cross is frankly so breathtakingly beautiful that, so far as I can tell, very few followers of Jesus have ever really grasped it.…

What the Cross Tells Us About God

Whether we’re talking about our relationship with God or with other people, the quality of the relationship can never go beyond the level of trust the relating parties have in each other’s character. We cannot be rightly related to God, therefore, except insofar as we embrace a trustworthy picture of him. To the extent that…

Publisher’s Weekly Review of Benefit of the Doubt

Publisher’s Weekly gave us a positive review and highly recommends Greg’s book. You can find the review here. You can order a copy of Benefit of the Doubt on Amazon.

What Will You Do With Your Doubt?

Richard Beck shared some of his thoughts on Christianity as something that for many of us is our “native religion”…something we were born into and that is, to quote Wendell Berry, “an intimate belonging of our being; it informs our consciousness, our language, and our dreams.” With Christianity so foundational to our identities, doubt is a…

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Secret Doubt

J L via Compfight We don’t usually do this, but Jessica Kelley (Henry’s mom) over at Jess in Process wrote a piece about her struggles with doubt, and we got her permission to reprint it in its entirety. She perfectly represents the basic premise of Greg’s upcoming book Benefit of the Doubt. Thanks Jess! Secret…