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A Video Introduction to Open Theism

Here’s a video clip on Open Theism from Greg’s sessions with Travis Reed with The Work of the People. What is Open Theism? Open Theists affirm that God knows all of reality perfectly, so Open Theism really is about the nature and content of the future. Does the future contain real possibilities?

We have to wrestle with this for both biblical reasons and for philosophical reasons. Here are two simple questions:

Biblical Question: If God meticulously ordained the all of the future, then why does the Bible say that God changed his mind 39 different times?

Philosophical Question: If it is eternally certain that I will chose x, then how am I free?

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Why Can’t God? Reflections on the Oord Interview (podcast)

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How People Misunderstand Open Theism

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First of Three-Part Interview With Greg

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