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Starting to Smell

Starting to Smell

What happens to you when you die? Do we immediately go to heaven as is commonly thought? What can we learn from near death experiences? In this short video, Greg speaks to what the Bibles says about our future after we die.

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Claudio.Ar via Compfight Hi ReKnewers. Terri Churchill here. I’m the editor for this blog. Normally I keep a pretty low profile, but Greg asked me to share something I wrote this past weekend. I’ve been navigating a very emotional time in my life lately, and my hope is that some of you who find yourself…

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Will We Get Bored in Heaven?

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Video Q&A: Do you think Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons are saved?

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Lawrence Krauss recently wrote a thought-provoking, soul-searching essay for CNN Opinion entitled, “Why must a nation grieve with God?” Krauss was disturbed by a comment made by President Obama at a memorial service for the victims of the tragedy at Newtown CT.  Commenting on Jesus’ statement to “Let the little children come to me,” Obama opined:…

Podcast: Isn’t Annihilationism Violent?

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A Restless Heart

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