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Frank Viola’s Interview With Greg: OT Violence and the Spirit World
I have not yet personally met Frank Viola, but over the last several years we’ve conversed and debated a good deal, to the point that I consider him a good friend. He is one of those all-too-rare types of people who is solidly grounded in the Word and yet who is not enslaved to traditional ideas. Indeed, in some of his works he’s been strongly critical of traditional ideas and practices (see his book, Pagan Christianity). At any rate, I was happy when Frank invited me to be interviewed by him. I knew he would ask the right questions as well as make me answer tough questions, and he did. I also appreciate the fact that he let me give full answers rather than trying to just get sound bytes (which is why this interview is longer than most, but I think you’ll find it worthwhile).
You can find the interview HERE.
Photo credit: Onasill ~ Bill Badzo via Visualhunt.com / CC BY-NC-SA
Category: General
Tags: Frank Viola, Old Testament, Spiritual Warfare, Violence
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