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Holiday & Celebrations

Let\’s Celebrate!, celebrations, fireworks, fourth of july, holidays, independence day, sky

Last month we launched our first e-newsletter for ReKnew and decided to give away ten copies of Greg’s book Benefit of the Doubt to celebrate. Here are the winners:

Jerry from Round Lake, Illinois

Josh from Saint Paul, MN

Jane from Medford, Oregon

Ian from London, UK

Randy from Milwaukie, Oregon

Beth from Pasadena, California

Ben from Southerland, Australia

Matthias from Siloam Springs, Arkansas

Lindsey from Alexandria, Virginia

Briona from Shoreview, MN

Thanks to all of you who have subscribed, and care to follow along and participate in what we’re up to here at ReKnew. If you’d like to give us feedback on the newsletter or anything else, you can contact us at editor@reknew2015.wpengine.com. And If you’d like to subscribe but haven’t done so already, you can provide your email address at the bottom of this page.

Related Reading

Podcast: If Doubt Is Good, Why Did Jesus Rebuke It?

Greg talks about how doubt relates to faith.  http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0453.mp3

How To Talk about Theology

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When You Doubt the Bible

Kit via Compfight Many people enter into conversations with ReKnew and Greg’s writings because they have questions and doubts about the Bible which they do not feel they can ask within their current church tradition. When they arise, and they will, what do we do with them? How do we process them in a healthy…

The Cross Above All Else

The way to know what a person or people group really believes is not to ask them but to watch them. Christians frequently say, “It’s all about Jesus,” but our actions betray us. Judging by the amount of time, energy, and emotion that many put into fighting a multitude of battles, ranging from the defense…

Is There Room for Doubt in Faith?

Many Christians today assume that faith is the antithesis of doubt. In this view, a person’s faith is thought to be strong to the extent that they don’t question their beliefs or struggle with God in whom they believe. As widespread as this view is, I believe it is unbiblical and profoundly unhelpful. My experience…

Part Three of Greg’s Interview with David D. Flowers

Here’s the final interview that Greg did with David D. Flowers in which he discusses his upcoming book Benefit of the Doubt: Dismantling the Idol of Certainty. Check it out! From the interview: Faith in Scripture isn’t about striving for certainty: it’s about being willing to commit to a course of action — to a way…