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A Word From Greg

Heh peeps, the ReKnew Team  had an AWESOME weekend hanging out together and dreaming big dreams about how God wants to use this ministry to further his will.  I am SO blessed to be surrounded by some super-smart, super-creative and super-visionary folks!

The ReKnew Team as well as the leadership of Woodland Hills Church really feels a sense of urgency about spreading the Good News of a Jesus-looking God and a Jesus-looking kingdom. There is a very well-organized and well-funded movement out there that is aggressively putting forth a (to be frank) ugly, unloving, omni-controlling picture of God and an ugly, triumphalist picture of the Kingdom — neither of which look anything like the self-sacrificial God & kingdom that we find in Jesus. It’s time for those who have been captivated by the beauty of the true God revealed in Jesus to work-together to proclaim this vision!

Please keep ReKnew as well as Woodland Hills Church in prayer. And pray about how God wants to use YOU in this movement.

Stay tuned to ReKnew.org and whchurch.org.  Good things are coming!  A Jesus-looking movement is already on the rise!  Join it!




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