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What Do I Do When Evil Rocks My World? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Greg talks about wise things to leverage your faith upon. Episode 965 __ __ __…
Will God Give Us Nasty Circumstances to Teach Us Things? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Topics: Responding to Objections, The Problem of Evil
Greg talks about God’s work in our souls.…
Satan and the Corruption of Nature: Seven Arguments
Category: Essays
Tags: Apologetics, Essay, Problem of Evil, Spiritual Warfare
Topics: Creation Care, Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict, The Problem of Evil
Man…trusted God was love indeed And love Creation’s final law – Tho’ Nature, red in tooth and claw With ravine, shrek’d against his creed” —Tennyson, In Memoriam Tennyson nailed it. We trust that God is love, but we also believe that God is the Creator of nature, and nature simply…
The Point of the Book of Job
Category: Essays
Tags: Apologetics, Bible, Essay, Old Testament, Problem of Evil
Topics: The Problem of Evil
The point of the book of Job is to teach us that the mystery of evil is a mystery of a war-torn and unfathomably complex creation, not the mystery of God’s all-controlling will. Given how Christians are yet inclined to look for a divine reason behind catastrophes and personal tragedies,…
When Prayers Go Unanswered
Category: General
Tags: Evil, Frank Viola, Prayer, Problem of Evil, Spiritual Warfare, Suffering
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Recently Frank Viola published a free e-book where 21 Christian leaders responded to the following question: Why is it that God doesn’t often answer the desperate prayers of His people for deliverance, protection, healing, etc.? You can download the free ebook by clicking here. The following excerpt is Greg’s contribution…
Lord Willing? Part 3
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Henry Kelley, Jessica Kelley, Lord Willing?, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil In this final segment of Greg’s discussion with Jessica Kelley about her book Lord Willing?, Jessica talks about how to respond to someone who is grieving or in crisis. You can find part 1 here and part 2 here. We’re so grateful that Jessica took the time to share…
Lord Willing? Part 2
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Henry Kelley, Jessica Kelley, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil In Part 2 of Greg’s interview of Jessica Kelley about her book Lord Willing?, they discuss the theology that helped Jessica through her son Henry’s illness and death. You can find Part 1 of the interview here, and part 3 here….
Lord Willing? Part 1
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Evil, Henry Kelley, Jessica Kelley, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil Greg sat down with Jessica Kelley recently to talk with her about her book Lord Willing?. We’re posting their conversation in three parts. Today, in part 1, Jessica shares the story of when her son Henry was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor at age 4. You can find…
God of Sense and Traditions of Non-Sense
Category: General
Tags: Book Reviews, Cruciform Theology, freedom, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil
As the title suggests, in his book, God’s Problem: How The Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important Question – Why We Suffer, Bart Ehrman argues that the Bible has nothing compelling to say about the problem of evil. Well, I just put down a beautifully written four-hundred and fifty…
Lord Willing?
Category: General
Tags: Death, Jessica Kelley, Problem of Evil, Suffering, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Lord Willing? Wrestling with God’s Role in My Child’s Death, by Jessica Kelley In November 2012, I received one of the most touching emails I have ever received. A young mother named Jessica Kelley explained to me that her four-year-old son had been diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. Despite…
Possibility of Love
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Evil, Judgment, Love, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion, Sin
Topics: The Problem of Evil In this video, Greg explores the core sin that stands in the way of love. You might be surprised by what it is. Video by The Work of the People…
Divine Wisdom
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Calvinism, Evil, Open Theism, Problem of Evil, Suffering, The Work of the People, Theodicy
Topics: The Problem of Evil Why doesn’t God end it all and stop the slaughter? Why does God allow suffering and evil to go on so long? Here, Greg offers two possible answers to these questions. Option A is that all evil somehow is designed by God and somehow brings glory to him. But…
Authentic Theology
Category: General
Tags: Auschwitz, Calvinism, Pain, The Work of the People, Theology
Topics: The Problem of Evil So much theology does not do justice to the reality of the world. Any theology that’s going to claim to be authentic must be done on the edge of a mass grave of gassed children. If we can’t state our theology there, then it’s useless. We must never block…
Why Did God Heal or Not?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Faith, healing, Sickness, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Faith & Doubt, The Problem of Evil
In 1996 a 27-year-old man in my church named David was diagnosed with an inoperable brain cancer. The doctors decided to send David to the Mayo Clinic to receive some experimental treatments on the slim hope these might at least prolong his life. The night before David left, I and…
Does God Still Heal?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Faith, healing, Sickness, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Faith & Doubt, The Problem of Evil
In the ancient world Jesus was known first and foremost as an exorcist and a healer. These two activities are mentioned in every summary of Jesus’s ministry found in the Gospels. It’s common for Western Christians today to accept that infirmities (sickness, disease, injuries, disabilities and deformities) are part of…
Why Doesn’t God Heal When We Ask?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Faith, healing, Sickness, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Faith & Doubt, The Problem of Evil
If we are called to manifest what Jesus manifested and revolt against what Jesus revolted against, and Jesus carried out the kingdom through healing, then why doesn’t God heal those we pray for? One of my personal kingdom heroes is a Vietnamese lady named Dr. Huyen Tranberg. She is a…
Did Jesus Say That God Causes Blindness?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Blueprint Worldview, God at War, Sickness, Spiritual Warfare, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Problem of Evil
Verse: John 9
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in…
Past Sermon Series: Crap Happens
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Greg Boyd, Sermons, Theodicy, Woodland Hills Church
Topics: Apologetics, Open Theism, The Problem of Evil
Why God, why? This may be the most repeated prayer in history. Most people have said it at one point or another, if only under their breath. Why sickness? Why suffering? Why doesn’t God respond to my prayers? Why do I struggle so much? Honest questions like these deserve honest…
Why Did God Allow Evil?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Evil, Free Will, Love, Problem of Evil, Satan and the Problem of Evil
Topics: Providence, Predestination and Free Will, The Problem of Evil
Is it possible to force people to love? Powerful people may be able to force others to do just about anything. Through psychological or physical torture, they may succeed in forcing them to curse their own children to deny their faith. They may even succeed in forcing others to act…
Evil, St. Augustine, & the “Secret” Higher Harmony
Category: General
Tags: Augustine, Blueprint Worldview, Free Will, God at War, Problem of Evil, Spiritual Warfare
Topics: The Problem of Evil
The problem of evil constitutes the single most difficult challenge to Christian theism. Volumes upon volumes have been written with the express purpose of rationally reconciling the belief in an all-good and all-powerful God with the reality that life is frequently an inescapable nightmare. Indeed, it is not overstating the…