Greg Boyd
Sermon Clip: Marshmallow Advent
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Advent, Christmas, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Greg Boyd, ReKnew, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
In last weekend’s sermon, Greg tells us about Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writings on advent, and how getting in touch with our emptiness through silence and solitude can lead to peace. This short clip explains advent and…
Video Q&A: Is One’s Eternal Destiny Fixed at Death?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Afterlife, Annihilationism, Death, Eternity, Greg Boyd, Hell, Sanctification, Universalism, Video Q&A
Topics: Death and Salvation, End Times
Does God continue to work with people after death? Is one’s eternal destiny fixed at death? Is the work of sanctification irrelevant? Here Greg shares his views on what happens when we die.
Video Q&A: Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christmas, Consumerism, Greg Boyd, Paganism, ReKnew
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Greg discusses the origins of our celebration of Christmas and whether Christians should celebrate it given its pagan origins. Plus, he gives us some interesting new lyrics to the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”…

Sermon: The Judgment Boomerang
Category: General
Tags: Greg Boyd, Jonathan Edwards, Judgment, Sermons, Wrath
The wrath of God is a misunderstood topic. In this sermon, Greg shows how sin has natural consequences that boomerang back to us. While God’s wrath has serious consequences for us, we need to understand…
Video Q&A: Faith and the Historical Jesus
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, Faith, Historical Criticism, Video Q&A
Greg is trying something new in order to answer more of your questions. He’s going to be taping himself addressing your questions with no polish of any kind: raw and unedited. You’ll notice in this…

Please Don’t Look the Other Way
Category: General
Tags: Animals, Vegetarianism
Topics: Creation Care
I know it’s not pleasant information, But as kingdom people whose first mandate is to rule the animal kingdom the way God rules us – with loving care – we have a responsibility to not…

A Distinctly Christian Take on the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Category: General
Tags: Current Events, Israel, Jonathan Martin, Peacemaking
David Masters via Compfight Here is a great essay, written by a young kingdom revolutionary I’m just getting to know, Jonathan Martin. Jonathan addresses the hot topic of the Israel-Palestine conflict with biblical insight, theological…
Video Q&A: What if violence is necessary to protect a loved one?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Greg Boyd, Non-Violence, Video Q&A
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
We recently posted a video Q&A on open theism and we received a lot of positive feedback. We’re happy to share another of these today on the question of non-violence. Greg has answered this question…

How NOT To Be Christ-Centered: A Review of God With Us – Part IV
Category: Essays
Tags: Book Reviews, Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Essay, God With Us
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
In the first three parts of this review of Scott Oliphint’s God with Us we’ve outline his attempt to reframe all God’s accommodations in Scripture in light of the Chalecedonian Creed. He, in essence, uses…

How NOT to be Christ-Centered: A Review of God With Us – Part III
Category: Essays
Tags: Book Reviews, Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Essay, God With Us
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
In the previous two posts on Oliphint’s God With Us, we’ve seen that Oliphint is trying to reframe divine accommodations in a Christ-centered way, but that what he means by this is not that he…

How You Can Help Us Financially for Free!
Category: General
Tags: support
colorblindPICASO via Compfight Hello friends of ReKnew, Did you know that you can help advance the Kingdom while you shop, at no extra cost to you? It’s true! Many of you will undoubtedly be shopping…

How NOT to be Christ-Centered: A Review of God With Us – Part II
Category: Essays
Tags: Book Reviews, Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Essay, God With Us
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
In Part I of my review of Scott Oliphint’s God With Us we saw that Oliphint is attempting to reframe divine accommodation in a Christ-centerd way. Yet, while he affirms that “Christ is the quintessential…

How NOT To Be Christ-Centered: A Review of God With Us – Part I
Category: Essays
Tags: Book Reviews, Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Essay, God With Us
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
Theologians throughout Church history have used the concept of divine accommodation to account for everything in Scripture that seemed “unworthy” of God. Whatever didn’t line up with what we know about God was seen as…

Little Kingdom
Category: General
Tags: Danny Churchill, Eustace the Dragon, Groundswell Coffee, Jessica Smith, Third Way
Little Kingdom How I build well The walls all around me How You’ll run through The mortar and brick of my brothers and me, The mortar and brick of my sisters and me. Take my little kingdom And make it more like Yours. Take my weary flesh…

Finding God
Category: General
keeva999 via Compfight Heh peeps, here is a tender story of a guy who found a way to connect with God…or maybe it’s the other way around. It pulled on my heart strings. If you…

Book Review: Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views
Category: General
Tags: Books, Spiritual Warfare, Theology
I just got the pre-release copy of Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views, edited by my friends James Beilby and Paul Eddy (IVP, 2012). The introduction alone is worth the price of the book! It is…

The Case for Including Open Theism Within Arminianism
Category: Essays
Tags: Arminianism, Essay, Open Theism, Roger Olson
Topics: Open Theism
Here is an excellent post by my good friend Roger Olson in which he makes the case that Open Theism should be embraced by Arminians as an orthodox, if somewhat non-traditional, form of their faith….