All Creatures Great and Small
Category: General
Tags: Animals, Blessing
Topics: Creation Care
Kurt Willems over at The Pangea Blog shared this video on a blessing ceremony for animals. It’s a reminder that our first commission from God was to care for the animals and the Earth. Be…
Sermon: Unveiling the Crypto-You
Category: General
Tags: Identity in Christ, Sermons
Last weekend Greg preached a sermon on living as your true self that God has declared you to be. You can download audio and video resources as well as supporting sermon materials by visiting the…
“Pulpit Freedom Sunday” and the Call to Politicize the Pulpit
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Religious Idolatry
Religion Dispatches online magazine shared an article in which conservative evangelical leaders are calling on pastors to dare the government to sue them by using their pulpit to speak out against Obama and other “ungodly”…
Quotes to Chew On: Are we growing in our capacity to love all people?
Category: General
“John sums up the matter bluntly. “Those who say, ‘I love God,’ and hate their brothers and sisters, are liars” (1 John 4:20). To truly love God includes loving others with the same love God…
So, What Do You Do?
Category: General
Tags: Identity in Christ
Don’t ever let this question define you. Image by Victor Bezrukov. Sourced via Flickr.
Greg Boyd and Jim Wallis Debate on Faith and Politics
Category: General
Tags: Politics
A few readers have been asking us to repost the audio (sorry, no video is available) of Greg’s debate with Jim Wallis on Faith and Politics back in 2006. It’s an oldie but goodie. Enjoy!
Category: General
Tags: Being Present
Jeff Goins invited blogger Sundi Jo to share some thoughts on The Power of being Present in an Age of Urgency. It’s a call to slow down and notice what we really care about. It’s…

A Rational Defense of Belief in God
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Evolution, Faith, Naturalism, Philosophy, Science
The New York Times recently posted a review of Alvin Plantinga’s book, Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism. In it, Plantinga argues on philosophical grounds that, among other things, theism is not in conflict with science,…
Does Analytic Thinking Make You Less Religious?
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Science
Andrew Aghapour wrote an article that was posted in Religion Dispatches questioning the findings of studies that concluded that analytical thinking negatively affects religious belief. In the article, Does Analytic Thinking Erodes Religious Belief? Aghapour…

Greg on the Open View: Video One
Category: General
Tags: Open Theism
By popular demand, we’re sharing the first of Greg’s video presentations on the Open View of the future. If you enjoy it, you can find the rest of the series entitled A Flexible Sovereignty: A…
Glorious Creation
Category: General
Tags: Creation, Science
I’m not a scientist, but I’ve always loved to dabble in it. In fact, I collaborated with some friends and wrote a quirky picture book on the interfacing of various areas of science (e.g. quantum…
Where are the Blessed Peacemakers?
Category: General
Tags: Non-Violence, Peacemaking
Religion Dispatches Magazine posted an article recently on embracing non-violence in the Christian tradition. In it, Elizabeth Drescher argues that the violent imagery in Paul’s writing accounts for a great deal of the violent posturing…

Greg on the Open View of the Future
Category: General
Tags: Open Theism
Greg was featured today on the Pangea blog. (Thanks Kurt!) The blog references a series of lectures Greg presented at the Open Theology and Science Conference at Azusa Pacific University, April 11, 2008 entitled “A Flexible Sovereignty:…
The Deep Truth
Category: General
Tags: Identity in Christ, Sermons
In last weekend’s sermon at Woodland Hills Church, Greg talks about the deep truth of your life that is real, but sometimes difficult to experience as real. How do we live in this deep truth…
More Grains of Sand or More Stars in the Sky?
Category: General
In case this question has been keeping you up at night, here’s your answer, plus a bonus fact that will blow your mind about the number of molecules in ten drops of water (you’ll have to…
Hellbound? in the Washington Post
Category: General
Tags: Heaven and Hell, Hellbound, Theology
Kevin Miller, the writer/director of “Hellbound?” was featured in the Washington Post in an article titled “Hell is a reality distortion field.” He challenges us to consider that what we believe about hell or anything…
Q&A: If God is So Great, Why Would He Care About Us?
Category: General
Tags: God, Q&A
Question: I’ve read that scientists estimate that the number of stars in the universe is 10 to the 24th power (10 with 24 zeros after it). I’m told that finding the earth amidst all these stars…
You Have What We Call a Theological Problem
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Religious Idolatry
Peter Enns posted a blog entitled: Dear Christian: If the Thought of Either Romney or Obama Getting Elected Makes You Fearful, Angry, or Depressed, You Have What we Call a Theological Problem. He makes some pretty…
Quotes to Chew on: Racial Reconciliation
Category: General
Tags: Quotes, Racial Reconciliation
Jesus perfectly embodied God’s heart for racial reconciliation. For example, most Jews of Jesus’ day despised Samaritans as racially impure and as heretics. They avoided physical or social contact with them if at all possible….