
What God Doesn’t Know (According to W.L.Craig)
Category: General
Tags: Open Theism
Hello bloggers. Here’s Part II of my response to Bill Craig’s podcast critique of the open model of providence. As I see it, the central difference between Craig’s position (Molinism) and my own (open theism)…

Responding to Craig’s Recent Critique
Category: General
Hello internet friends, I haven’t been blogging much lately because I’ve been super-obsessed with research on the book of Revelation in preparation for a chapter addressing its apparent violence for a forthcoming book for…
The Magi and an Arbitrary Massacre
Category: General
Tags: Problem of Evil, Violence
On a cool fall night in Bethlehem, late in the 34th year of the reign of king Herod, a peasant family of five sleeps quietly in a one room shanty at the edge of town….

Before We Were “NDY”
Category: General
Here’s a pic of me and my band several decades ago. Back in the 60’s and 70’s, long before we became famous as Not Dead Yet, we clunked out very amateurish hippie tunes as an…

A Vampire Movie Worth Seeing!
Category: General
The other night I accompanied my son Nathan to a vampire movie entitled “Let Me In.” While I like intelligent scary movies, I don’t care much for vampire flicks, and I hate gore. But I’ll…

Our Adorable New Granddaughter!
Category: General
Hello Blogging Friends, I know the apostle Paul says that “love doesn’t boast,” but surely he didn’t intend to rule out grandparents boasting about their children and grandchildren! My daughter Alisha and son-in-law Tim have…

“Not Dead Yet” Returns!
Category: General
ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE??!!! That’s right ladies and gentlemen, my band (NDY) will be playing Friday night, Oct 8, at the Dugout Bar in Mahtomedi (Suburb of St. Paul), from 8 – 12. We…

Revelation and the Violent “Pride Fighting” Jesus
Category: General
In an interview several years ago for Relevant Magazine, Mark Driscoll (well known pastor of Mars Hill in Seattle) said, “In Revelation, Jesus is a pride-fighter with a tattoo down His leg, a sword in…

A Failed Prophecy
Category: General
In 2 Kgs 3 we find Jehoshaphat and two other kings consulting Elisha the prophet about an upcoming battle against the Moabites. Elisha calls a harpist and gets a word from the Lord. He says…

Talking About “The Great Emergence”
Category: General
For the last three days I’ve been out in Raleigh, North Carolina with a very diverse group of wonderful people to talk about the future of the church. Many were well-known authors, speakers and leaders…

Hot Times In Haiti
Category: General
About fifteen years ago Greg and Marcia Erickson (who are part of a community of friends Shelley and I share life with) started up a wonderful ministry in Haiti called Providence Ministries. Among other things,…

Clark Pinnock Has Finished The Race!
Category: General
I just received word that Clark Pinnock has finished his race. He passed away Sunday afternoon. Please keep his precious wife Dorthey and their family and friends in prayer. Clark was an absolutely brilliant thinker,…

Yahweh and “The Destroying Angel”
Category: General
In Numbers 16 we read about participants in Korah’s rebellion who were consumed by fire that came “out from the Lord” (vs. 35). The narrative clearly depicts Yahweh as a ferocious flame-throwing deity. How can…

Terri and Marcia in Haiti
Category: General
As some of you know, Shelley and I do life together with three other couples. One of the things we do together is help provide a home for six wonderful girls in Haiti. Two from…

Missional Small Groups (A Book Review)
Category: General
After 18 years of pastoring a rather large American church, I would have to say that the second hardest challenge our leadership team has faced as we have labored to make disciples of weekend church…

A Report, An FYI and A Chuckle
Category: General
Report: I had the privilege of preaching and teaching at Crossroads Community Church in Cincinnati this last weekend. You can find my message on the Kingdom at (Sorry, but Terri Churchill usually edits my…

Lies My Teacher Told Me
Category: General
We all know that President Jefferson doubled the size of the United States by buying Louisiana from France in 1803, right? It never occurred to me, until this morning, to wonder how France got the…

Patriotism and Idolatry
Category: General
For those who may be interested, Relevant Magazine published an essay I wrote entitled “For (Too Much) Love of Country.” You can read it here. And thanks for all the affirming tweets you’ve been sending…

Venerating the 4th of July
Category: General
Hello blogging buds, I hope you’re all enjoying your summer. For those who may be interested, I wrote a very patriotic essay on venerating the fourth of July for the on-line magazine Q. You can…

What I’ve Been Reading Lately
Category: General
Hope you’re all enjoying a great summer! Well, every couple of months I share with folks what I’ve been reading (because I get asked a lot). So, for what its worth, here’s my annotated book…