Process Theology & Open Theism: What’s the Difference?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Open Theism, Process Theology, Q&A
Topics: Open Theism What it is and is not
Question: When ReKnew talks about Open Theism is it a mistake for people to equate it with Process theology, and if so what are the defining differences? I guess I am starting to lean toward…
Why is the Lord’s Prayer So Formulaic? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Prayer
Greg considers if Jesus was acting out of character when he taught the Lord’s prayer. Episode 476
Is There a Biblical Basis for Guardian Angels? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Angels
Greg talks about angels and divine intervention. Episode 475 The Interview:
Do People Exist in Parallel Universes, and Do They Need Jesus? (Podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Evangelism, Salvation, Science
Greg talks the sin economy and if sin actually threatens God. Episode 474 The Interview:
6 Things the Church Fathers Can Teach Us about Spiritual Warfare
Category: General
Tags: Evil, Natural Evil, Problem of Evil, Satan, Sin, Spiritual Warfare, Theodicy
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Image by Christina Saint Marche via Flickr Unlike our thinking today about the source of good and evil in the world, the early church fathers, including Irenaus, Athenagorus, Origen, and others before Augustine, possessed a warfare…
What Changed on the Cross? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Atonement, Christ, Christianity, Crucifixion
Greg talks the sin economy and if sin actually threatens God. Episode 473 The Interview:
When Did You Let Go of Your Calvinist Beliefs? (Podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Calvinism, Open Theism
Greg talks about his unusual transformation out of Calvinism. Episode 471 The Interview: Photo by Paola Franco on
Podcast: Confident Humility
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Book Reviews, Books, Dan Kent, Discipleship, Humility
The tables are turned. Greg interviews Dan Kent on his new book: “Confident Humility: Becoming Your Full Self Without Becoming Full of Yourself.” Available for pre-order now. Episode 472 The Interview: ————— A Rebuttal…
Podcast: Doesn’t Claiming that the Old Testament Writers were Sometimes Wrong Inevitably Lead to a Slippery Slope?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Cruciform Theology, Hermeneutics, Old Testament, OT Violence
Greg talks about cataphatic prayer and the role of the imagination.
Podcast: Is Using the Imagination Spiritually Dangerous?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Imagination, Imaginative Prayer
Greg talks about cataphatic prayer and the role of the imagination.
What Does It Mean that God Hardens Hearts?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Choice, Determinism, Free Will, Is God to Blame?, Open Theism, Predestination
Topics: Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
Some argue that passages which speak of God hardening human hearts (Jos 11:19-20; Ex 7:3; 10:1; Rom 9:18) demonstrate that God controls everything, including people resistant to this declared intentions. He hardens whomever he wills,…
Podcast: The Making of God of the Possible
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: God of the Possible, Open Future, Open Theism
Greg talks about making his book “God of the Possible,” then offers his initial thoughts on Thomas Oord’s book “God Can’t.”
Podcast: How Do We Talk About Politically Charged Topics?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Political Idolatry, Politics
Greg gets charged-up talking about ‘talking about politically charged topics.’
Podcast: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Book Reviews, Books
Greg talks about a book he enjoyed: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion.
Podcast: Isn’t Annihilationism Violent?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Annihilationism, Death, Hell
Greg considers the fate of the unsaved.
God’s Dream for the World
Category: General
Tags: Jesus, Love, Trinity, Triune Love, Unity
Topics: Following Jesus
The future doesn’t yet exist—which is why it’s future instead of the present or past—this doesn’t mean I’m claiming the future is wide open. To the contrary, it’s very clear from Scripture that God has…
Podcast: How Can I Develop Christ-likeness with Autism?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Autism
Greg looks at the false dichotomy of being abled and disabled and considers the implications for pursuing Christ-likeness.
Podcast: Overflow Episode 6 — Urban Ministry, Peacemaking, Non-Violent Parenting
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Anabaptism, Ministry, Multicultural Ministry, Osheta Moore, Parenting, Peacemaking, Women In Ministry
Dan Kent and Osheta Moore talk about Peacemaking (versus Peacekeeping), urban ministry, the impact of gentrification, non-violent parenting, and so much more! You can register of Osheta’s webinar HERE. You can follow Osheta Here.
The Case For Believer’s Baptism
Category: Essays
Tags: Discipleship, Essay, Kingdom Living
Topics: The Church
In this essay I briefly present my reasons for believing that baptism is intended only for people who are old enough to responsibly choose to become disciples of Jesus. I will first offer several biblical…
Podcast: Is Buddhism More Transformative than Christianity?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Peace, Peacemaking, Transformation
Greg looks at faith and transformation and compares Christianity with other worldviews.