
Quotes to Chew On: The Cross and God’s Love
Category: General
Tags: Books, Cruciform Theology
“The cross is the central way Christ images God. Christ was not an innocent third party who was punished against his will to appease the Father’s wrath. Christ is himself God, and he voluntarily took…

The Patriot’s Bible and Justified Torture
I was supposed to get back to you on a third application of the infinite nature of God’s intelligence and love but I’ve had a lot on my plate this week. Among other things, I’ve…

Myth of a Christian Religion Endorsements and Reviews
Reviews: Imitating the life of Jesus isn’t solely about embracing his message of love, sacrifice and service, according to evangelical pastor Boyd. In his latest book, the author of The Myth of a Christian Nation…

Suggested Further Readings for MYTH OF A CHRISTIAN RELIGION
Category: General
Tags: Books, Creation, Myth of a Christian Religion
Here is a chapter-by-chapter list of suggested further readings for The Myth of a Christian Religion. If you’d prefer to download the readings as a Word document, click here Suggested Readings. Chapter 1. Giant…

Trinity and Process Endorsements
Endorsements: “Trinity and Process is meticulous in detail, fair in attitude and approach, and represents a genuine contribution to the study of process theology. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the ongoing…

Cynic, Sage Endorsements
Endorsements: “Recent years have witnessed several attempts to ‘explain away’ Jesus as …a wandering Cynic sage…..For all who are trying to come to terms with this reconstruction, especially as represented in the well-publicized books by…

God at War Endorsements and Reviews
Endorsements: “God at War raises the current discussion of spiritual warfare to a new and unanticipated level of scholarly investigation. I am ecstatic with the integrity with which Gregory Boyd develops his convincing argument for…

Repenting of Religion Endorsements
Endorsements: “Anything but another run-of-the-mill evangelical book, it is radical and revolutionary. It will make readers think critically about some traditional evangelical habits of the heart.” –Roger Olson, George W. Truett Theological Seminary “The local…

God of the Possible Endorsements and Reviews
Endorsements: “God of the Possible is a good, simple introduction to the issues and the battle over ‘open theism.’ Boyd consciously wrote this as a pastor for lay people. It is also clear that he…

Satan and the Problem of Evil Endorsements
Endorsements: “Greg Boyd has shown us that the most powerful way to view God in a postmodern world is through the eyes of the warfare worldview of Scripture. This biblical argument not only makes sense…

Across the Spectrum Endorsements
Endorsements: “This is an excellent mind-stretcher.” —Church Libraries “Those looking for a text that exemplifies the shades of difference and peculiar accents current in evangelical theology will find this book very useful. . . ….

Is God to Blame Endorsements and Reviews
Endorsements: “In this stimulating work, Gregory Boyd shows how an incarnational theology focuses on God’s action in Jesus Christ as the source for our knowledge of God. In Jesus we see what God does for…

Escaping the Matrix Endorsements
Endorsements “Boyd and Larson brilliantly utilize the metaphors from the recent movie series The Matrix as a framework for the book. This a most enjoyable read.” –Bobby G. Bodenhamer, D.Min.; pastor; author; cofounder, Institute of…

Is God to Blame Endorsements and Reviews
Endorsements “In this stimulating work, Gregory Boyd shows how an incarnational theology focuses on God’s action in Jesus Christ as the source for our knowledge of God. In Jesus we see what God does for…

Seeing is Believing Endorsements and Reviews
Endorsements “The imagination is one of the great, untapped capacities of the Christian soul, and imaginative prayer is like diving into the ocean and discovering a world of wonders never before glimpsed or even guessed…

The Jesus Legend Endorsements and Reviews
Endorsements “Eddy and Boyd provide a clearly written, carefully researched, and powerfully argued defense of the historical reliability of the Synoptic Gospels. What makes this book noteworthy is the careful treatment of underlying issues in…

Lord or Legend Endorsements and Reviews
Endorsements “Boyd and Eddy do not shy away from the tough historical, cultural, textual, and logical questions and their implications. Both those of a modernist and those of a postmodernist bent will find this a…

Books I’m Currently Working On
I get asked a lot about what new things I’m working on, and since I’m always working on something, I thought I’d share it with you. Currently, I am working on five books for publication:…

The Cosmic Dance Project
The story behind The Cosmic Dance The idea for The Cosmic Dance arose out of Greg’s sharing his latest ideas with his small group (the three couples he and his wife Shelley share life with)….