Enemy Love

Cross-like Love and Non-Violence
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Discipleship, Enemy Love, Kingdom Living, Love, Non-Violence, Pacifism
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Cosmo Spacely via Compfight Though it seems to have been forgotten by many today, the cross wasn’t simply something God did for us. According to the NT, it was also an example God calls us…

On the Language of “Revolution”
Category: General
Tags: Enemy Love, Kingdom, Love, Non-Violence, Pacifism, Revelation, Revolution, Viva la Revolution!
Nick Thompson via Compfight Question: The banner of your website and the thrust of much of your teaching focuses on “revolution.” While I can see a radical call in some of the sayings of Jesus,…

The Kingdom, Just War Theory, and Ukraine
Category: Essays
Tags: Augustine, Current Events, Enemy Love, Essay, Just War, Non-Violence, War
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
History textbooks often read like surveys of how countries handled war with other nations. The stuff between the conflicts reads like precursors and aftermath to the history-making actions of war. Now we observe the rising…

The Image of Cross-Like Love: God’s Self-Portrait, Part 6
Category: Essays
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Enemy Love, Essay, God is Love, Kingdom Living, Love
Topics: Christology, Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
In the previous blog I argued that God is cross-like love. In this blog I’d like to take this a step further by demonstrating why the cross alone could function as the definitive revelation of…

Enemy Love
Category: General
Tags: Boston Bombings, Enemy Love, Kingdom Living, Love, Paul Keane, The American Jesus, Zack Hunt
Rob Hogeslag via Compfight Zack Hunt over at The American Jesus shared the story of Paul Keane who offered his own burial plot to Tamerlan Tsarnaev if his family could not find a cemetery that would…