Is Your Church Promoting Tribalism?
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Kingdom, New Humanity, Racism, Tribalism
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, The Church
It’s long been said that Sunday morning is the most segregated time of the week. Sadly, many have taught us that homogeneity is the way the church grows the fastest. But should we put up…
End of Year Reflection
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom, Kingdom Revolution, New Year, ReKnew, Thank You
As we approach the end of this year, I’d like to take a moment to personally thank all of you who are invested in ReKnew. Honestly, your prayers, your words of encouragement, and your financial…
Conservative/Liberal are not Theological Categories
Category: General
Tags: Jonathan Martin, Kingdom, Politics, Religion
We wanted to repost something by Jonathan Martin today that struck a chord with us about the theological emptiness of political boxes. It’s brief and beautifully written and we hope you’ll read the entire article…
Kingdom Now
Category: General
Tags: Already Not Yet, Kingdom
Topics: Following Jesus
Yesterday, I introduced the tension of living in the “already-not yet” kingdom. (See post here.) There I referred to the fact that we are living between D-Day (the point at which WW2 was won) and…
The Victory is Already Won, But Not Yet
Category: General
Tags: Eschatology, Kingdom, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Christ came “to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8), to disarm “the rulers and authorities” (Col 2:15), and to “destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil…
How To Fix The Church: The Kingdom of God (Part 4)
Category: General
Tags: Church, Jesus, Kingdom, Kingdom Living
Topics: Following Jesus
God has leveraged everything on the Church loving like Jesus loved, as outlined in our previous posts in this series. “By this the world will know you are my disciples,” Jesus said, “by your love”…
The Only Thing That Matters Is Love: The Kingdom of God (Part 3)
Category: General
Tags: Jesus, Kingdom, Kingdom Living, Living in Love, Love
Topics: Following Jesus
To say that living in Calvary-quality love is the most important thing in our life is to grossly understate its importance. This stands in distinction from how we typically define the Kingdom of God. But…
What is the Kingdom of God (Part 1)
Category: General
Tags: Holiness, Jesus, Kingdom, Kingdom Living, National Idolatry, Upside-Down Kingdom, War
Topics: Following Jesus
We all know what the Kingdom of God is, right? But this is precisely the problem. Since we are all to a large extent products of our culture, what seems obviously true and right to…
Lighten Up: The Whole Point
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Blessed are the Meek, Kingdom, Lighten Up, Non-Violence
A little inspiration for your Friday…
The Warfare We Have Inherited
Category: General
Tags: Already Not Yet, Eschatology, Jesus, Kingdom, Satan, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Image by Chris Sardegna Jesus’ miracles over nature, as well as his healings, exorcisms and especially his resurrection, were definite acts of war that accomplished and demonstrated his victory over Satan. These acts routed demonic forces…
5 Differences Between The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the World
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Enemy Love, Jesus, Kingdom, Kingdom Living, Love, Myth of a Christian Nation, Upside-Down Kingdom, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Following Jesus
Image by matthijs rouw via Flickr The kingdom of God looks and acts like Jesus Christ, like Calvary, like God’s eternal, triune love. It consists of people graciously embracing others and sacrificing themselves in service to others….
12 Reasons for Keeping the Kingdom of God Separate from Politics, Part 2
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom, Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Image by the justified sinner via Flickr Satan is the “god of this age” (2 Cor 4:4) and “ruler of the world (Jn 12:30; 14:31) who “controls the entire world” (1 Jn 5;19) and possesses…
12 Reasons for Keeping the Kingdom of God Separate from Politics, Part 1
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Image by the justified sinner via Flickr Jesus came to establish a kingdom that was not of this world. This is why Jesus refused to call on angels to defend himself and why he forbid…
Christmas is Subversive…
Category: General
Tags: Christmas, Jesus, Kingdom, Nomad, Subversive
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, Following Jesus
…at least the first Christmas was. When Jesus came it was about the birth of a subversive ruler who brought a subversive kingdom. He is a king that came to introduce a reign that would overthrow…

Greg on Politics
Category: General
Tags: Greg Boyd, Interview, Kingdom, Kingdom of this World, Politics, Voting
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
I recently agreed to a written interview with a delightful Christian student of politics. Given the nature of her questions, I’m not sure my responses were quite what she expected. I thought some of you…

Close Encounters of the Third (Kingdom) Kind: A Reflection on the Missio Alliance Conference
Category: General
Tags: Anabaptists, Fellowship, Jesus, Kingdom, Mennonerds, Missio Alliance, Viva la Revolution!
What an incredible gathering we had last week! It was invigorating, informative and fun! What stands out most to me was the family-feel of the conference. Like most of you, I have usually felt a…

Revolting Against the Cosmic Hitler
Category: General
Tags: Hitler, Kingdom, Kingdom Living, Nazi, Revolt
Greg returned last week from Europe where he was able to visit some Nazi death camps. In the following, he reflects on a story of a German teenager who actively resisted the Nazi agenda…

Faith, Healing & Modern Medicine
Category: General
Tags: healing, Kingdom, Mental Illness
On Monday, we offered a post related to the struggles of Robin Williams that referred to how chemical imbalance can cause depression and how those who struggle have this condition should seek medical help. However,…

Ferguson, Racism, & the Kingdom
Category: General
Tags: Breaking Down Walls, Ferguson, Kingdom, Michael Brown, Myth of a Christian Religion, Racial Reconciliation, Racism, White Privilege
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
In light of the issues that have arisen in Ferguson, Mo this last week (for more on this click here), we thought we would offer some reflections on this topic from Greg that he wrote…