Reversing Babel
Category: General
Tags: Conflict, Love, Racial Reconciliation
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Several generations after the flood, we read in Gen 11 how humans were still living in one locale and had one common language and culture. Then someone came up with the brilliant idea that they…
No Room for Judgment
Category: General
Tags: Homosexuality, Judgment, LGBTQ, Love
Topics: Following Jesus
In the light of the horrible violence in Orlando, and in response to the sickening judgmental statements that some Christian leaders have been making since the mass shooting about the victims who belong to the…
Q&A: Condemning Sin
Category: Q&A
Tags: Discernment, Jesus, Judgment, Love, Sin
Topics: Sin
Q: I have a question about how you answer the rare occasions when Jesus apparently felt it necessary to publicly condemn sin: like the cleansing of the temple and his very strong judgments on Pharisees…
God’s Favor, Not Vengeance
Category: General
Tags: Enemy Love, Forgiveness, Jesus, Justice, Love
Topics: Following Jesus
Jesus began his ministry with a brief sermon in his hometown synagogue. Quoting Isaiah 61, Jesus said, The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to…
Revolting Against Classism
Category: General
Tags: Jesus, Kingdom Living, Kingdom Revolution, Love
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
All fallen societies and religions have a tendency to rank people according to class. All have ways of separating the insiders from the outsiders, the holy from the unholy and the more important people from…
ReThinking the Source of Life
Category: General
Tags: Idolatry, Life, Love, Religious Idolatry, Theology
Topics: Following Jesus
Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the twelve convictions of the ReKnew Manifesto. The first of which focuses on where we get life. In many of my writings, I speak about the…
What God Requires
Category: General
Tags: Love, Obedience
Topics: Following Jesus
The reason we were created and what we are called to be is summed up in one word: love. The central defining truth of those who follow Jesus is that in Christ God ascribed unsurpassable…
Why God Made You
Category: General
Tags: Love, Trinity
The life God has for each one of us is a life of perfect love, one that eternally unites us with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is why God made us. It’s what…
Friday Lights: Refuge
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: Compassion, Friday Lights, Love, Refugees, Sacrifice
Each Friday we post content sent to us by our readers that is inspiring, funny, lighthearted or just generally fun. If you’d like more information on submitting content for this feature you can get more information here….
What Jesus Revealed About Being Human
Category: General
Tags: Cross, Jesus, Love, Salvation, Sin
According to the creation story, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they essentially ceased being the wonderful, God-centered, God-dependent human beings the Creator intended them to be. They became less than fully human. Instead,…
3 Traits of a Jesus Kind of Church
Category: General
Tags: Church, Judgment, Love, Mercy
Topics: The Church
A Jesus kind of church (See an introductory post on this here) is called to represent God, just as Christ did. The church is Christ continuing to manifest the true God. Bonhoeffer put it this…
A Jesus Kind of Church
Category: General
Tags: Church, Judgment, Love, Religious Idolatry
Topics: The Church
The church can only be the conduit of God’s love if it stops judging others (See yesterday’s post). This means that it will stop being concerned about its reputation in the eyes of those who…
Possibility of Love
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Evil, Judgment, Love, Religious Idolatry, Repenting of Religion, Sin
Topics: The Problem of Evil
In this video, Greg explores the core sin that stands in the way of love. You might be surprised by what it is. Video by The Work of the People
It’s All About the Crucified Christ
Category: General
Tags: Cross, Cruciform Theology, Easter, Love
Topics: Atonement and The Cross
The world was created by Christ and for Christ (Col 1:16). At the center of God’s purpose for creation is his plan to unite himself to us in Christ, reveal himself to us through Christ,…
Love Never Stops
Category: General
Tags: Hope, Love, Resurrection
Greg reflects here that he can be a very cynical person if you ask him about the state of the world around us, but the love of God demonstrated in the Easter narrative gives him…
The Revelation of God in the Cross
Category: General
Tags: Cross, Cruciform Theology, God, Jesus, Love, Self-Sacrificial Love
The cross cannot be understood apart from the resurrection, just as the resurrection can never be understood apart from the cross. They are two sides of the same coin. If you consider the cross apart…