Podcast: What’s the Difference Between MERCY and GRACE?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Grace, Mercy
Is Mercy simply another word for Grace? Find out in this short taught thriller of an episode!
Podcast: How Do We Pursue Both: Justice and Mercy?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Justice, Mercy
Greg looks at how viewing events through the eyes of love removes the apparent tension between justice and mercy. Today’s episode is sponsored by Reknew Vampire Repellant—a super-charged can of butt-kick for a blood-sucking world….
3 Traits of a Jesus Kind of Church
Category: General
Tags: Church, Judgment, Love, Mercy
Topics: The Church
A Jesus kind of church (See an introductory post on this here) is called to represent God, just as Christ did. The church is Christ continuing to manifest the true God. Bonhoeffer put it this…
Paul Teaches Free Will, Not Determinism: Romans 9, Part 3
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Determinism, Faith, Free Will, Mercy
Topics: Providence, Predestination and Free Will
Verse: Romans 9
In this series of posts, I am challenging the deterministic reading of Romans 9, which interprets Paul’s teaching as saying that God chooses some to be saved and others to be damned. There are six arguments…
Guest Post: Is Hell the Center of our Faith?
Category: General
Tags: Hell, India, Mercy, Missionary Work, Trudy Smith
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
My husband Andy and I had been living in the slums of North India for over a year by the time we returned to one of our sending churches for a visit. We met with…

Guest Post: Culture War Neighbors by Bonnie Kristian
Category: General
Tags: Bonnie Kristian, Culture, Homosexuality, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Love, Mercy
Matteo Parrini via Compfight The first time I was aware of meeting a gay person, I was 18. I took a summer job waiting tables, and it turned out two of my coworkers were attracted…

Standing Our Ground Together
Category: General
Tags: Grief, Jessica Kelley, Jordan Davis, Justice, Mercy, Osheta Moore, Prayer, Racism, T.C. Moore
Osheta Moore is someone we’ve featured here before. She’s a lovely, thoughtful, passionate African-American woman of God ministering with her husband T.C. Moore in Boston. Osheta has been featuring a series called Standing Our…

Jesus Feminist
Category: General
Tags: Jesus Feminist, Justice, Kingdom Living, Mercy, Sarah Bessey Sarah Bessey’s book Jesus Feminist releases today. We’re so excited for her and for anyone who gets to read this book. She is first, and foremost a disciple of Jesus, and her embrace of…

Forgiving (and Loving!) Your Only Son’s Killer
Category: General
Tags: Forgiveness, Grace, healing, Mary Johnson, Mercy, Oshea Israel
StoryCorps is an organization whose mission is to provide Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs with the opportunity to record, share, and preserve the stories of their lives. We came across this extraordinary story on The…

What the hell are we doing here?
Category: General
Tags: Abortion, Fundamentalism, Kingdom Living, Love, Mercy, Pain, Vulnerability
Meet Collin Simula. He lives in Columbus, Ohio, and is a part of Central Vineyard church. He is a 30-year-old graphic designer, and a happily married father of three. Collin has spent his whole life…
Changing Beliefs
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Change, Curiosity, Doubt, Faith, Mercy, Q&A, Sojourners, Stephen Mattson
Stephen Mattson is a follower of ReKnew and a member of Woodland Hills Church who posted a piece on Sojourners titled Christians: It’s NOT a Sin to Change Your Beliefs. He points out that doubt and…

From Boston, With Love
Category: General
Tags: Boston Bombings, Cruciform Theology, Forgiveness, Jesus, Mercy, Peacemaking, T.C. Moore
We posted some of T. C. Moore’s reflections on the Open 2013 conference earlier this week. T. C. lives in Boston and was deeply moved by the violence and terror that came to his city….