Myth of a Christian Religion
Should Christians Recite the Pledge of Allegiance?
Category: Q&A
Tags: America, Myth of a Christian Nation, Myth of a Christian Religion, Nationalism, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
A number of years ago I attended a basketball game at a Christian school. Just before the game everyone was asked to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. So I stood, placed my hand…
Spiritual Warfare: What is it?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Humility, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Love, Myth of a Christian Religion, Satan, Spiritual Warfare
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
The Kingdom is “not of this world,” and neither is its warfare. Jews had always believed that God confronted spiritual opposition in carrying out his will on earth. In the Old Testament, these evil forces…
Christians and Creation Care
Category: General
Tags: Animals, Creation, Kingdom Living, Myth of a Christian Religion
Topics: Creation Care
Image by Ali Inay While the mustard seed of the Kingdom has been planted, it obviously hasn’t yet taken over the entire garden (Matt 13:31-42). We continue to live in an oppressed, corrupted world. We live…

Don’t Be a Functional Atheist at Christmas
Category: General
Tags: Atheism, Being Present, Christmas, Experiencing God, God, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Myth of a Christian Religion, Practicing the Presence of God, Present Perfect, Secularism
All of us raised in Western culture have been strongly conditioned by what is called a secular worldview. The word secular comes from the Latin saeculum, meaning “the present world.” A secular worldview, therefore, is…

Does Nonviolence Work?
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Myth of a Christian Religion
Topics: Following Jesus
The teaching of Jesus on nonviolence strikes many as ludicrous, impractical, unpatriotic, irresponsible, and possibly even immoral. “Surely Jesus expects us to take up arms against Muslim extremists to protect our country and families!” If…

The Distinctive Mark of Jesus Followers
Category: General
Tags: Enemy Love, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Love, Love Your Enemies, Myth of a Christian Religion, Non-Violence
Topics: Following Jesus
Jesus’ teaching to love our enemies was understandably shocking to his original audience—just as it is to us today. Jesus expected much, which is why, after telling his audience to love their enemies he added…

Loving Enemies in the Day of ISIS
Category: General
Tags: Enemy Love, ISIS, Kingdom Living, Love, Love Your Enemies, Myth of a Christian Religion, Persecution
The following excerpt from Myth of a Christian Religion discusses Jesus’ command to “turn the other cheek.” Whatever our response to the persecution of Christians in the world, we must take this passage seriously. While…

Ferguson, Racism, & the Kingdom
Category: General
Tags: Breaking Down Walls, Ferguson, Kingdom, Michael Brown, Myth of a Christian Religion, Racial Reconciliation, Racism, White Privilege
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
In light of the issues that have arisen in Ferguson, Mo this last week (for more on this click here), we thought we would offer some reflections on this topic from Greg that he wrote…

Is Racism Still a Problem? Does the Church Care?
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Mennonerds, Myth of a Christian Religion, Racial Reconciliation, Racism
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Cliff via Compfight On Friday, we posted a piece by Greg on the importance of racial reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. (Click here to read it.) This is a part of the Synchro blog…

The Revolutionary Mission of the Church
Category: Q&A
Tags: Kingdom Living, Kingdom Revolution, Myth of a Christian Religion, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Church
Last week Greg tweeted the following: YES! “[T]he mission of the church is to participate in a drama that has a cross for its climax…” K. Vanhoozer This quote from Vanhoozer summarizes a theme that…

Suggested Further Readings for MYTH OF A CHRISTIAN RELIGION
Category: General
Tags: Books, Creation, Myth of a Christian Religion
Here is a chapter-by-chapter list of suggested further readings for The Myth of a Christian Religion. If you’d prefer to download the readings as a Word document, click here Suggested Readings. Chapter 1. Giant…