The Logical Hexagon Made Simple
Category: Essays, General
Tags: Free Will, Open Future, Open Theism, Philosophy
Topics: Defending the Open View, Free Will and the Future, Providence, Predestination and Free Will
by: Greg Boyd The Hexagaon in a Nutshell For those of you who don’t have the twenty to thirty minutes it will probably take to read this essay but who nevertheless would like to have…
Category: Essays, General
Tags: Humility, Knowledge, Philosophy
Though it’s now thirty-one years old, I’m willing to bet that the majority of you have watched the Princess Bride at least once. In fact, I’m willing to bet that a lot of you have…
Can Life Have Meaning Without God?
Category: Guest Contributor
Tags: Meaning, Philosophy
Article by Dan Kent King Sisyphus (“Siss-uh-fuss”) was a mythical king who enjoyed killing random travelers and starting wars. He killed for pleasure. He killed for profit. He killed for pride. When he died the…
Podcast: Greg Confronts Nietzsche
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Philosophy
Greg goes toe-to-toe with Friedrich Nietzsche in this epic battle of philosophers. An 1889 oil sketch of Friedrich Nietzsche on his sick bed by Hans Johann Wilhelm Olde.
Podcast: What is the Greatest Philosophical Blunder in History?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Attributes of God, Philosophy
Greg goes WAY back to trace an erroneous thought. His investigation brings all the way back to the pre-Socratics and the Ground-of-Being.
How Classical Theology Gets It Wrong
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Philosophy
Topics: Attributes and Character
Classical theology has conceived of God as altogether necessary, simple, timeless, unchanging and unknowable. This view of God requires us to conclude that biblical images of God do not reflect the way God truly is…
Greg Uncovers Flaws in Aquinas, and It Could Change Everything
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: God, Philosophy, Theology
In this episode Greg shares some intriguing insights about Aquinas and Aquinas’ concept of God.
Crucifying Transcendence
Category: General
Tags: Church Fathers, Cross, Cruciform Theology, God, Jesus, Philosophy, Platonism, Transcendence
Topics: Attributes and Character
The classical view of God’s transcendence in theology is in large borrowed from a major strand within Hellenistic philosophy. In sharp contrast to ancient Israelites, whose conception of God was entirely based on their experience…
Rethinking Transcendence
Category: General
Tags: Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Philosophy, Transcendence
Topics: Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
Going back to pre-Socratic philosophers and running through the major strands of the church’s theological tradition, the conception of how God (or, in ancient Greece, “the One”) was arrived at primarily by negating the contingent…

Lighten Up: Believing in Believing
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Belief, Faith, Lighten Up, Philosophy, Theology
OK, we don’t really think this is the difference between theology and philosophy, but how does this guy not get that not believing in believing is, itself, a belief?

Lighten Up: You Gotta Believe In Something, Man!
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Atheism, Belief, Faith, Lighten Up, Philosophy, Theology
Two things here: 1) How does this philosopher not see that “not believing in believing” is itself a belief? 2) Is that a turtleneck or is that philosopher just really hairy?
Free Will: What is a free agent?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Calvinism, Determinism, Free Will, Open Theism, Philosophy
Topics: Free Will and the Future
What does it really mean to be a free agent? In this reflection, Greg offers some thoughts on free agents and how it can be that they are not exhaustively determined.
Free Will: An Aesthetic Model
Category: Q&A
Tags: Calvinism, Determinism, Free Will, Open Theism, Philosophy, Satan and the Problem of Evil
Topics: Free Will and the Future, Providence, Predestination and Free Will
Greg continues his thoughts on free will by offering an aesthetic model for free will. This one gets pretty philosophical, but it’s worth toughing it out.
Free Will: Is it a coherent concept?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Calvinism, Determinism, Free Will, Open Theism, Philosophy
Topics: Free Will and the Future, Providence, Predestination and Free Will
Greg is going to be spending the next several blogs talking about the idea of free will. In this first reflection, he discusses whether it is coherent to speak of a decision that is not…
Lighten Up: Existential French Cat
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Existentialism, Humor, Lighten Up, Philosophy
Greg used to be into the existentialists quite a bit. Sartre and Camus would love this cat. (Thanks to Rachel Held Evans for the heads-up.)

A Rational Defense of Belief in God
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Evolution, Faith, Naturalism, Philosophy, Science
The New York Times recently posted a review of Alvin Plantinga’s book, Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism. In it, Plantinga argues on philosophical grounds that, among other things, theism is not in conflict with science,…
Category: General
Tags: Philosophy, Wittgenstein
Heh peeps, For several years in college and seminary I was enamored with Ludwig Wittgenstein. In fact, the main reason I decided to attend Yale Divinity School was to study under Paul Holmer who was arguably the…

Hellenistic Philosophy and the Problem of Chalcedon
Category: General
Tags: Philosophy
As some of you know, I’ve been immersed in Hellenistic philosophy for the last several years as part of my research for a forthcoming book tentatively titled The Myth of the Blueprint. My goal is…

Reflections on the Influence, and Damage, of Plato’s Timaeus 28a
Category: General
Tags: Classical Theism, God, Philosophy
Topics: Apologetics
The Timaeus is Plato’s account of the creation of the world. Ancient philosophers were divided as to whether Plato meant the work to be taken literally or mythically, as are modern scholars. The work was…

Five Brief Philosophical Arguments for the Open View
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Open Theism, Philosophy
Topics: Defending the Open View
Introduction I believe that sound philosophical arguments support the open view in which God doesn’t foreknow the future free decisions of humans. My main reasons for holding this view are biblical and theological, but since…