“…citizens of the kingdom of God need to take care to distinguish…” [Quotes]
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Quotes
“…citizens of the kingdom of God need to take care to distinguish between their core faith and values on the one hand and the particular way they politically express their faith and values on the other.”
“The kingdom of God…advances only by exercising power under others. It expands by manifesting the power of self-sacrificial, Calvary-like love.” [Quotes]
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Quotes
“While all the versions of the kingdom of the world acquire and exercise power over others, the kingdom of God, incarnated and modeled in the person of Jesus Christ, advances only by exercising power under others. It expands by manifesting the power of self-sacrificial, Calvary-like love.”
“I hope to challenge the assumption that finding the right political path has anything to do with advancing the kingdom of God.” [Quotes]
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Quotes
I do not argue that those political positions are either wrong or right. Nor do I argue that Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics. While people whose faith has been politicized may well interpret me along such lines, I assure you that this is not what I’m saying. The issue is far more fundamental than how we should vote or participate in government. Rather, I hope to challenge the assumption that finding the right political path has anything to do with advancing the kingdom of God.
The myth clouds our vision of God’s distinctly beautiful kingdom… [Quotes]
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Quotes
“Instead of living out the radically countercultural mandate of the kingdom of God, this myth has inclined us to Christianize many pagan aspects of our culture. Instead of providing the culture with a radically alternative way of life, we largely present it with a religious version of what it already is. The myth clouds our vision of God’s distinctly beautiful kingdom and thereby undermines our motivation to live as set-apart (holy) disciples of this kingdom.”
“For many…the American flag has smothered the glory of the cross, and the ugliness of our American version of Caesar has squelched the radiant love of Christ.” [Quotes]
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Quotes
“This myth harms the church’s primary mission. For many in America and around the world, the American flag has smothered the glory of the cross, and the ugliness of our American version of Caesar has squelched…
God’s Warriors
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Politics, Violence
Greg’s ideas on faith and politics were featured in the Peabody Award-winning CNN Presents: God’s Warriors. Watch the full video below. For more information, including behind the scenes footage, visit God’s Warriors – Special Reports from CNN.com.
Evangelical Politics: Three Generations
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Politics
Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd and Shane Claiborne represent three generations of influential evangelicals engaging in an intriguing discussion on the role of faith and politics. The lively conversation on NPR’s On Being (formerly Speaking of…

The Bible, Government and Christian Anarchy
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
This “essay” contains my informal reflections on biblical texts that I believe support what some call “Christian Anarchy.” Consider it a very rough draft of a future project. I’ll argue that Kingdom people are called…

William Wilberforce and the Possibility of “Christian” Politics
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Creation Care, Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
William Wilberforce was a passionate Christian who entered politics for the sole purpose of ending the slave trade. For more than thirty years he passionately and courageous labored to get Parliament to outlaw the practice….

Trapped in a Constantinian Paradigm
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
A Response to James Smith’s Review of The Myth of a Christian Nation In my book The Myth of a Christian Nation I repeatedly call on Christians to engage in social activism. Followers of Jesus…

The Wrong “Bulls-Eye”: Reflections on the “Christian Left”
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, Following Jesus
As it has since the fourth century, the Church today for the most part operates with a Constantinian (“power-over”) paradigm. Because of this, most socially concerned Christians are inclined to define the Church’s mission as…

Why is America Becoming More Politically Divided?
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
I watched a 20/20 special the other night on politics in America. The show explored the “growing political divide” in our country. Here’s some of the information found in this program. * Since the early…