Why Christ, not Scripture, is Our Ultimate Foundation
Category: General
Tags: Belief, Cruciform Theology, Doubt, Scripture
Topics: The Church, Theological Method
In a previous blog I argued that all our theological reflection must not only be Christ-centered, it must, most specifically, be cross-centered. I now want to begin to unpack some of the most important implications of…
God’s Regrets and Divine Foreknowledge
Category: General
Tags: Divine Foreknowledge, Free Will, God of the Possible, Open Theism, Scripture, Wisdom
Topics: Open Theism
One aspect of the portrait of God in Scripture that suggests the future is partly open is the fact that God sometimes regrets how things turn out, even prior decisions that he himself made. For…

How Should We Do Theology?
Category: General
Tags: Approaches to Theology, Bible, Revelation, Scripture, Theology, Wesleyan Quadrilateral
Topics: Theological Method
Delirious? via Compfight In yesterday’s post, we introduced a way of talking about theology with the use of concentric circles. At the center, is the revelational of Jesus—most keenly revealed on the cross. The next…

When the Bible Isn’t Clear
Category: General
Tags: Fundamentalism, Roger Olson, Scripture, Theological Method, Theology
Mark Grapengater via Compfight Roger Olson wrote a post today entitled How to Solve a Theological Dilemma when Scripture Doesn’t Clearly Solve It: An Exercise in Theological Method. The title itself is provocative and problematic if you’re…

Justice and Biblical Clarity in Hindsight
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Hermeneutics, Justice, Scripture
Murky1 via Compfight Rachel Held Evans posted a challenging look at our history of using the Bible to uphold things like slavery and to condemn people like Galileo for his scientific findings. You really need…

The Bible Is Insufficient
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Community, Jesus, Kurt Johnson, Scripture
Patrick Feller via Compfight Kurt Johnson wrote a piece a few days ago on the proper place of Scripture in the life of a believer. He reflects on the fact that we have elevated the…

Getting Behind the “Letter” of Violent Portraits of God
Category: Essays
Tags: Bible, Character of God, Cruciform Theology, Essay, Hermeneutics, Jesus, Matthew Bates, New Testament, Non-Violence, Old Testament, Reformed Theology, Scripture, Violence
Topics: Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
“I will do to you what I have never done before… in your midst parents will eat their children, and children will eat their parents…” Ezek. 5:9-10 In my previous post I offered a brief review…

Still Forming
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Christianne Squires, Lectio Divina, Meditation, Prayer, Scripture
Hi Everyone, The Open Theism conference was a huge blessing for us. We’ll be talking more about that in the coming days and giving you information on how to access video of some of the…

N.T. Wright on the Whole Sweep of Scripture
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Christian Living, N.T. Wright, Scripture
Here’s a really fine video message from N.T. Wright on how to read Scripture. So many of the misunderstandings we take away from Scripture happen when we pick out a verse here and there and…
Divine Accommodation and the Cross: where Calvin was onto something
Category: General
Tags: Calvinism, Cruciform Theology, Scripture
Over the last few posts, I’ve been arguing that the cross represents the thematic center of everything Jesus was about. Hence, rather than striving to have a “Christocentric” theology — which is so broad it…
Answering an Objection to a Cross-Centered Approach to Scripture
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy, Q&A, Scripture
Topics: Christus Victor view of Atonement
Through Greg’s Facebook and Twitter, we’ve been getting some great feedback and questions regarding his cross-centered approach to Scripture. Several have voiced questions similar to the reader’s (below), so we thought it would be helpful to post Greg’s answer here on his blog.
How The Imperfections of Scripture Reveal God Perfectly
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy, Scripture
In my previous blog I discussed one important implication of a cruciform (“cross-centered”) approach to biblical inspiration. On the cross, I noted, God revealed his perfection by identifying with human imperfection. Jesus in some sense…
Scripture’s God-Breathed Imperfections
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy, Scripture
“Inerrancy” of Scripture
As a conservative evangelical who accepted the “inerrancy” of Scripture, I used to be profoundly disturbed whenever I confronted contradictions in Scripture, or read books that made strong cases that certain aspects of the biblical narrative conflict with archeological findings.
Caught Between Two Conflicting Truths
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Jesus, Old Testament, Scripture, Violence
In my previous blog I tried to show that adopting a “Christocentric” approach to Scripture isn’t adequate, as evidenced by the fact that people adopting this approach often come to radically different conclusions. In fact, it seems…