Month: January 2008

Trapped in a Constantinian Paradigm

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A Response to James Smith’s Review of The Myth of a Christian Nation In my book The Myth of a Christian Nation I repeatedly call on Christians to engage in social activism. Followers of Jesus…

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The Wrong “Bulls-Eye”: Reflections on the “Christian Left”

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As it has since the fourth century, the Church today for the most part operates with a Constantinian (“power-over”) paradigm. Because of this, most socially concerned Christians are inclined to define the Church’s mission as…

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What do you think of “confrontational evangelism”?

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Question: In The Myth of a Christian Nation, you emphasize our need to sacrificially serve others. But you didn’t emphasize our need to “preach the Gospel to every living creature.” I’ve been intrigued by the…

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Well, I’d hoped to post something insightful by today, but sorry folks, I’m brain dead. Saturday night I got hit with something nasty. The last four days have been spent sneezing, coughing and groaning. My…

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Why did God create me with an uncontrollable sex drive?

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Question: Why did God create us with far more of a sex drive than we need for reproduction and far more than we can handle to refrain from sex before and outside of marriage? It…

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What is the “classical view of God” and what about it do you find objectionable?

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The “classical view of God” refers to the view of God that has dominated Christian theology since the earliest Church fathers. According to this theology, God is completely “immutable.” This means that God’s being and…

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Is there Archeological Support for the Reliability of the Gospels?

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One of the many tests historians typically submit documents to in accessing their historical reliability concerns the extent to which archeology supports or undermines the historic claims the document makes. So we need to investigate…

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How can I feel secure in my salvation?

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Question: I constant worry about whether I’m saved or not.  Do I lose my salvation every time I sin?  How can I feel secure that I’m saved? Answer:  It seems to me you’re framing your…

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Why did God create me to be a pedophile?

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Question: Since the first time I experienced a sex drive it’s been directed towards little children. I’ve never acted on this, for I know it’s wrong. But it torments me. Why would God created me…

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How do you respond to Bart Ehrman’s book, “Misquoting Jesus”?

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Question: I just read Bart Ehrman’s book Misquoting Jesus and it’s sort of rocked my world. How can we believe the Bible is God’s inerrant Word when we don’t even know what the original Bible…

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Why is America Becoming More Politically Divided?

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I watched a 20/20 special the other night on politics in America. The show explored the “growing political divide” in our country. Here’s some of the information found in this program. * Since the early…

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Is it okay to masturbate?

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When I as a new struggling Christian raised this topic with my pastor, I was told in no uncertain terms that God struck Onan dead for masturbating. At some point I read the passage for…

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Can Christians serve in the military?

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Question: Jesus ministered to military people (e.g. a centurion) and didn’t tell them to leave their military post. So do you think Christians can serve in the military? I believe it’s a Christians duty is…

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Isn’t Faith Inherently Irrational?

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Is Faith Inherently Irrational? Many people seem to assume that faith is giving credence to things that don’t make much sense and for which there is little or no evidence. Take the doctrine of the…

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Does Following Jesus Rule Out Serving in the Military if a War is Just?

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Jesus and Military People Some soldiers responded to the preaching of John the Baptist by asking him what they should do. John gave them some ethical instruction, but, interestingly enough, he didn’t tell them to…

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What Would You Do If Someone Attacked Your Family?

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The New Testament commands us never to “repay evil with evil” but instead to “overcome evil with good” (Rom.12:17; cf. I Thess 5:15; I Pet 3:9). Jesus said, “Do not resist an evildoer. But if…

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Corroborating Historical Evidence of the New Testament

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One often finds skeptics arguing that if the events recorded in New Testament actually took place, we should expect to find others of the time mentioning them. Yet, they argue, we find nothing but silence…

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Is homosexual love without homoerotic behavior okay for a Christian?

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Question: You may find this to be an odd question, but is it possible for two Christians of the same gender to remain a couple if they do not engage in sex? My partner and…

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Hats off


My hats off to the “God-loving” and “God-fearing” Marcia. Most excellent. See, quality takes time. And does anybody know anyone else who says “Bug!” when they’re peeved? One of the things I love about Marcia…

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NOT DEAD YET!!!!!!!!


this is Marcia…ok, first I just have to say, RUDE!insensitiveimpatientBUG! GB needs to chill.he simply can’t get over the messy room issue. DUDE! but, since I’m a mature, gracious, God-loving & fearing woman, I will…

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