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Toasted Ham and Nye

nye_ham_wide-95bd3d0d1113f407915a4633e23675ddf188daf5-s40-c85So, the big debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye is history. We didn’t really pay a whole lot of attention to it, and here’s why.  In order for there to be a winner in this debate (because of the way it was framed) you had to choose between the false dichotomy of a believing the Bible or taking science seriously.

You don’t have to make that choice.

Related Reading

Podcast: If Evolution is True, Can We Say There Was a Fall?

Greg discusses the relationship between the Creation story and evolutionary theory. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0254.mp3

Sermon Clip: Twisted Scripture-Hebrews 9

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Why Bart Ehrman Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Christmas (Or Your Faith) Part 8

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Bible in the shadow of the Cross

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When the Bible Becomes an Idol

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