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Open2013 Reflections

Both participants and leaders share about what was happening at Open2013 and some of their thoughts on Open Theism. Listen in and hear from Greg Boyd, John Sanders, Tom Oord, T. C. Moore, Jessica Kelley and many more.

Related Reading

Lighten Up: MEology

It might be a red flag if you’re only interested in theology that serves your interests.

What is the significance of Jeremiah 19:5?

The Lord says that Israel has “gone on building the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it enter my mind.” Here, as elsewhere, (7:31, 32:35), the Lord expresses disappointment, if not shock, over Israel’s idolatry. The…


Video Q&A: Is One’s Eternal Destiny Fixed at Death?

Does God continue to work with people after death? Is one’s eternal destiny fixed at death? Is the work of sanctification irrelevant? Here Greg shares his views on what happens when we die.

What is the significance of 2 Kings 13:3–5?

The Lord judged the Israelites by allowing them to be oppressed by King Hazael of Aram (vs. 3). “But Jehoahaz entreated the Lord, and the Lord heeded him; for he saw the oppression of Israel, how the king of Aram oppressed them. Therefore the Lord gave Israel a savior, so that they escaped from the…


How do you respond to 1 Peter 1:1–2?

As I read it, I Pet 1:2 is the thematic statement for the whole chapter. As I will show in a moment, the rest of the chapter unpacks this statement, so the rest of the chapter should be used to interpret this statement. In the rest of the chapter we find that believers… * have…

A Word From Greg

Heh peeps, the ReKnew Team  had an AWESOME weekend hanging out together and dreaming big dreams about how God wants to use this ministry to further his will.  I am SO blessed to be surrounded by some super-smart, super-creative and super-visionary folks! The ReKnew Team as well as the leadership of Woodland Hills Church really…
