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Some News and a Giveaway!
We’ve got some exciting news for you. Starting next month, ReKnew will be sending out a monthly e-newsletter to those who are interested in getting a little something extra from our ministry. We’ll be including a personal video message from Greg in each issue as well as other news and updates. If you’re interested in receiving this from us, all you have to do is give us your email address in the space provided in the lower right hand corner of this page and then confirm your subscription when we send you an email. Easy peasy!
Up until now, if you signed up for our newsletter you received a weekly recap of the posts from ReKnew. Not exactly a newsletter, but kind of handy. Signing up now will get you both the weekly update and the monthly newsletter. If you’re already a subscriber we’ll automatically add you to the monthly newsletter distribution list. You can unsubscribe from either of them at any time. We hope this is something you’ll end up looking forward to each month.
And now for the giveaway! We are going to be drawing five names from new subscribers and sending out five copies of Benefit of the Doubt as a thank you. And for those of you who already subscribed in the past, we’re drawing five names and sending out five copies of the book as a thank you to you! That’s ten free books! We’ll be drawing those names and announcing the winners at the beginning of next month when we launch the newsletter. The deadline to sign up if you’d like to be included in the drawing is June 30th.
So hurry and sign up below! We’re really looking forward to sending you what we hope will be your favorite monthly electronic treat!
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Current Events, Newsletter, ReKnew
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