Greg Boyd
Are we called to suffering?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Abuse, Kingdom Living, Love, Sacrifice, Suffering
Topics: Following Jesus
What does it mean when we say we’re called to suffering? Does it mean that we should allow ourselves to be victimized or that God approves when we are abused? Here are Greg’s thoughts on…
Lighten Up: I’m Not Worried Frank
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Debate, Frank Viola, Friendly Disagreements, Humor, Lighten Up, Open Theism Well, my dear friend Frank Viola has been spouting off again about how my “logic will be shredded, excoriated, and turned into confetti before a watching world” when we host our debate on Open…
The Warfare Worldview
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Greg Boyd, ReKnew, Roberta Winter Institute, Science, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
The Warfare Worldview from Roberta Winter Institute on Vimeo. Here’s a video presentation that Greg did at the Roberta Winter Institute regarding the Warfare Worldview. Enjoy!
Are You Guilty of Marcionism?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, Cruciform Theology, Heresy, Jesus, Non-Violence, Old Testament, Violence
Topics: Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
Greg responds to the question of whether or not his cruciform hermeneutic is anything like the heresy of Marcion, who basically advocated throwing out the Old Testament. (Spoiler: it’s not.)
Forgiveness in the Christus Victor View of the Atonement
Category: Q&A
Tags: Atonement, Christus Victor, Forgiveness, God, Jesus, Sin, Wrath
Topics: Christus Victor view of Atonement
Did Jesus need to die on the cross to satisfy God’s wrath in order for us to be forgiven? Greg discusses the role of forgiveness in the Christus Victor view of the Atonement.

Does Jesus’ Abandonment on the Cross Destroy the Trinity?
Category: Essays
Tags: Abandonment, An Open Orthodoxy, Cruciform Theology, Dwayne Polk, Essay, Father, God is Love, Godhead, Jesus, Tom Belt, Trinity, Trinity and Process
Topics: Atonement and The Cross, Theological Method, Trinity
In my previous blog I argued that Jesus’ experience of God-forsakenness on the cross was genuine and that, as a matter of fact, there was a genuine abandonment of Jesus by the Father on the…

When God Abandoned God
Category: Essays
Tags: Abandonment, Cruciform Theology, Essay, Father, Son, Trinity
Topics: Atonement and The Cross, Trinity
On the cross, Jesus’ cried out, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” – which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mt. 27:46). These are arguably the most shocking, beautiful, and profoundly revelatory words…
Lighten Up: Oh my… I am so very very scared…
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Debate, Frank Viola, Humor, Lighten Up, Monty Python, Open Theism
Well, my dear friend Frankie V. once again has a bad case of verbal diarrhea (explains his breath lately), running off about how he’s going to smack me down in our “all-out, no holds barred,…
Video Q&A: Do you think Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons are saved?
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Belief, Eternity, Faith, Heaven, Humility, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus, Love of God, Mormonism, Q&A, Salvation, Video Q&A
Topics: Death and Salvation
Does Greg believe that everyone goes to Heaven regardless of their beliefs? Find out here.
Interview with Frank Viola on his Book “God’s Favorite Place on Earth”
Category: General
Tags: Frank Viola, Interview, Jesus
Today is the release date for Frank Viola’s new book, God’s Favorite Place on Earth. Greg did an interview with Frank recently, and in celebration of his book release, we’re sharing that interview here. If…
Sermon: Keeping the Valve Open
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Boston Bombings, Creation, Kingdom Responses, Sermons, The Mind, Woodland Hills Church
In this short sermon clip, Greg Boyd talks about Paul’s writings on getting our reality to line up with what God says is real. The full sermon discusses how God’s design for creation is beautiful….
Lighten Up: Surprise!
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Humor, Lighten Up
Greg discusses how God is not a “Thor” God zapping people on a whim. And then…

Terror in the Night
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Fear, God, God's Love, Q&A, Spiritual Warfare
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
I’ll never forget the night it first happened to me. I was thirteen, sharing a bedroom with my older brother. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt as if something was…

The Extremity of God’s Love
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Father, God, Godhead, Jesus, Love, Sacrifice, Separation, Trinity, Unity
Topics: Atonement and The Cross
In response to questions he has received about whether Jesus was actually separated from the Father on the cross, Greg fleshes out his perspective on this. The love that unites the Trinity is the very…
God’s Aikido Way of Defeating Evil
Category: Essays
Tags: Atonement, Christus Victor, Demons, Essay, God, Jesus, Love, Non-Violence, Redemption
Topics: Christus Victor view of Atonement
Greg continues his thoughts on the atonement with this installment highlighting the way God uses the evil intentions and actions of his enemies to bring about good. And because this strategy is based in love,…

Sermon Clip: Seeking Shalom
Category: General
Tags: Anabaptists, Peace, Peacemaking, Shalom, Woodland Hills Church
In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd shows how the Anabaptists seek after shalom in every part of their lives. All of us seek for peace in our lives, but peace is just a small part…

Aslan Roars: The Atonement as Spiritual Warfare
Category: General
Tags: Atonement, C.S. Lewis, Christus Victor, Chronicles of Narnia, Jesus, Warfare Worldview
Greg begins to unpack the Christus Victor view of the atonement by comparing it to the Chronicles of Narnia.
Penal Substitution View of Atonement: Did God the Father Just Need to Vent?
Category: Essays
Tags: Atonement, Essay, Forgiveness, God, God's Wrath, Jesus, Penal Substitution View of Atonement, Picture of God, Sin
Topics: Atonement and The Cross
In this video blog, Greg outlines the penal substitution view of atonement which says that the Father poured out his wrath on Jesus instead of us so that we could be forgiven. This view is…

A Revelation of Beauty Through Ugliness
Category: Essays
Tags: Bible, Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Cruciform Theology, Essay, God, Jesus, OT Violence
Topics: Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
In my recent post, Getting Honest About the Dark Side of the Bible, I enlisted no less an authority than John Calvin to support my claim that we need to be forthright in acknowledging that…