Calling All Blog Readers!
Category: General
Hello Readers! You might have noticed that this blog is very different from Greg’s old blog. It’s not just a place for Greg to share his thoughts and answer questions. We want this to be…
Kingdom Sightings: Church Under the Bridge (Waco, Tx)
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom
Have you ever witnessed something that gave you a glimpse of the coming Kingdom of God? We’d like to occasionally highlight these glimpses when we find them. The Church Under the Bridge in Waco, Texas…
Is Your Accelerator Stuck?
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Counter-Culture, Rest
In this story today from CNN, we see video of a woman who is trapped in a vehicle that is malfunctioning so that it keeps accelerating and cannot stop. It’s hard to imagine the panic…
If the violent depictions of God in the Bible are not completely accurate, isn’t all of Scripture up for debate?
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Cruciform Theology, Theology
Question: I’m very intrigued by your cruciform hermeneutics and can’t wait for your book (Crucifixion of the Warrior God) to come out. But I have to say that it strikes me as dangerous. You’re basically…
Views of an Indigenous Theologian
Category: General
Tags: Evangelism, Missions, Peacemaking
It’s so important to approach evangelism with humility when building relationships with indigenous populations. This interview with Dr. Randy Woodley is an eye-opening and important voice for anyone with a heart for missions. From the…
How do you explain the violent judgement of Ananias and Sapphira?
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Judgement, New Testament
Question: You talk a lot about the violent depictions of God in the Old Testament. But what about God’s slaying of Ananias and Sapphira in the New? How do you explain that? Answer: The same…
Engaging the Culture
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Culture, Kingdom Living
Mark McIntyre shares some thoughts here on the culture wars that often define our relationship to the world outside of the Church. We are called to be a people who are known by our love…
Following Jesus as You
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Kingdom Living
Rachel Held Evans posted an insightful blog today (it was actually a repost from 2011) engaging the problem of discouragement as we encounter various ideals of what it means to be a Christian versus the…
We Are All Weird Adopted Kids
Category: General
Tags: Adoption, Kingdom Living
Russell D. Moore wrote a thoughtful response to Pat Robertson’s recent comments on various men’s refusal to get involved with a certain woman because of her internationally adopted children. As a people who are all…
Lighten Up: The Wisdom of Forgiveness
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Forgiveness, Humor, Lighten Up
How can you put your trust in a God who’s not in control of everything?
Category: General
Tags: Open Theism, Responding to Calvinism
Question: I read your book Is God to Blame? and found it to be very compelling. It’s rocking my world. But I’m also finding I’m now having trouble trusting God like I used to. I used to believe…
On Driving and Unsurpassable Worth
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Peacemaking
Our friends the Livesay’s live and work in Haiti, and their blog is amazing. They posted a reflection today entitled On Driving and Unsurpassable Worth. It’s so worth reading. From the article: Annoyed with someone?…
The Cost of Holding On
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Simplicity
Given Greg’s recent Twitter comments on the question of how we view what we own, we thought this article in the New York Times was particularly timely. What is the cost of holding onto things?…
An Uneasy History
Category: General
Tags: Racial Reconciliation
Although Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as a tireless champion for the equal rights of African Americans, there are many indications that he held views that we would find shocking today. It’s important to understand…
Lighten Up: Loving Your Political Enemies
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Humor, Lighten Up, Politics
Image from Radio Free Babylon.
Secularism vs. Atheism
Category: General
Tags: Atheism, Secularism
Do you know the difference between secularism and atheism? Now you do…