Kingdom Living

Love is a Beautiful Way to Live…and Die
Category: General
Tags: Death, Kingdom Living, Richard Beck, Sacrifice
Hartwig HKD via Compfight Richard Beck posted a reflection this last week called Love is the Allocation of Our Living and Dying. Greg has a regular practice of imagining his own death in order to live…
Lighten Up: Meet Rollins
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Greg Boyd, Kindness, Kingdom Living, Lighten Up
Greg introduces his grandson Rollins and talks about the God of little things.
Sermon: Reframing the Sun
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Blessing, Colossians 3, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Living, Kingdom Responses, Life in Christ, Sermons, Theft, Woodland Hills Church
In our clip from this weeks sermon, Greg Boyd talks about how we respond to misfortunes and tragedies depends on how we frame them. In Colossians 3, Paul writes that Christ is all and is…

Quotes to Chew On: Desires
Category: General
Tags: Christian Living, Desires, Kingdom Living, Quotes, Temptation
Marcos de Madariaga via Compfight Here’s a quote that comes to us via Andrew Sullivan’s blog: “We are rarely presented with an authentically fulfilling trajectory for our desires… If we are created for infinite satisfaction,…

World Wants
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living
Trey Ratcliff via Compfight Here’s a reflection by D.L. Mayfield from A Deeper Church on how busyness and distraction keeps us from the things that really matter, the things we’re made for. What is God…

Christian Utopia
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics
Fergal of Claddagh, OP via Compfight A little meditation on Christian Utopia and the Body Politic as we stand poised on the eve of the election in America. We affirm that Jesus will indeed “establish…
What is your stance on abortion?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Abortion, Kingdom Living
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
*This is an edit of a post published in 2008. Since we continue to get questions along these lines, we thought we would repost it. Question: I’ve heard that you lost members of your congregation…
The Way We Disagree Matters
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Kingdom Living, Peacemaking
Rachel Held Evans posted her reflections on the ways we interact over differences in Biblical interpretation. It’s an important topic as we live out the kingdom among one another in our polarizing environment. How do…
Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics
These things need to stop as it relates to our faith and our politics. Image by Katie Tegtmeyer. Sourced via Flickr.
How Much Is Enough?
Category: General
Tags: Finances, Kingdom Living
Richard Beck over at Experimental Theology wrote a reflection on insights he gained from the book How Much is Enough?: Money and the Good Life by Robert Skidelsky and Edward Skidelsky. He points out how the advent…
Sermon: The Salt and Light Revolution
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Sermons
What does it mean to be the salt and light? In Greg’s sermon last weekend, he explores how followers of Jesus can step out of the crowd in ways that bring these good things to…
On Hacking Off Our Own Limbs
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living
Nadia Bolz Weber posted this weekend on The Sarcastic Lutheran, and we thought you’d enjoy her thoughts on hacking off our own limbs for Jesus. Don’t worry, you won’t have the urge to find an axe…
Q&A: Already-Not-Yet
Category: General
Tags: Identity in Christ, Kingdom Living, Quantum Physics
Question: My question is regarding our “entanglement” with Christ that you spoke about a few weeks ago. In the sermon you noted how we are joined with Christ like those two particles that can be separated by light…
Speaking of “the Poor”
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Poverty
D. L. Mayfield wrote this guest post on Love is What You Do titled The Language of Poverty. How do we think of and interact with “the poor” on a daily basis? Here’s some good…
If you really want to defend the poor from Caesar, shouldn’t we use the political means that exist? It’s easy to make your argument when you are in a position of privilege.
Category: Q&A
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics, Poverty
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Question: I’ve been reading your blogs for a while. I’ve read multiple texts written by you and it’s difficult to listen much longer as someone in poverty. It’s easy to make your argument when you…
Sermon: The Pygmy Way
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
Last weekend Greg preached about the history of Woodland Hills Church as a part of the church’s 20th anniversary. It’s a pretty fun walk down memory lane as well as a challenge to follow the…
Smack Talk on the Idolatry of the Family
Category: General
Tags: Family, Jesus, Kingdom Living
Ben Ponder doesn’t pull any punches in his article Idolatry of the Family. He argues that, contrary to some evangelical claims, “Jesus didn’t die on a God-forsaken cross to preserve your horn-rimmed vision of 1950s…
When the Gospel is Reduced to a Sinner’s Prayer
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living
Jeff Clark posted an article recently entitled The Gospel of Sin Management and the Loss of Discipleship. We do violence to the gospel when we forget that we are called beyond a mere “sinner’s prayer”…