Jesus Said, “Buy a sword.” What did he mean?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Mennonerds, Non-Violence, Violence
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
Yesterday, I challenged the common assumption that Jesus was violent when he drove out the animals and turned over tables in the Temple courts. (See post.) Today I want to look at the second episode…
Lighten Up: Osheta the Narniac
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: C.S. Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia, Mennonerds, Osheta Moore
You may not be aware of this, but Greg is a MennoNerd. What is a MennoNerd, you ask? According to their website, “MennoNerds is a network of Anabaptist bloggers, tweeps, Facebookers, and Google plussians (just made…

Close Encounters of the Third (Kingdom) Kind: A Reflection on the Missio Alliance Conference
Category: General
Tags: Anabaptists, Fellowship, Jesus, Kingdom, Mennonerds, Missio Alliance, Viva la Revolution!
What an incredible gathering we had last week! It was invigorating, informative and fun! What stands out most to me was the family-feel of the conference. Like most of you, I have usually felt a…

Is Racism Still a Problem? Does the Church Care?
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Mennonerds, Myth of a Christian Religion, Racial Reconciliation, Racism
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Cliff via Compfight On Friday, we posted a piece by Greg on the importance of racial reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. (Click here to read it.) This is a part of the Synchro blog…

The Good Samaritan, Non-Violence & Eternal Life
Category: General
Tags: Judgment, Love, Mennonerds, Non-Violence, Violence
Renaud Camus via Compfight An expert in the law asked Jesus what he had to do “to inherit eternal life” (See the story in Luke 10:25 and following). Jesus asked him what he thought the…

Was Jesus Violent in the Temple?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Jesus, Mennonerds, Non-Violence, Violence
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
Many adopt the attitude depicted in the picture above, saying that Jesus used violence when he cleansed the temple. But Jesus’ stance on nonviolence is clear not only from how he responded to threatening enemies…

Is Non-Violence a Key to Christian Discipleship?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Mennonerds, Non-Violence, Peacemaking, Violence
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
For the first three centuries of the church, Christians understood that forgoing the use of violence and expressing God’s self-sacrificial love was central to discipleship. However, this mindset changed after the Church acquired power in…

In Search of Healing During Advent
Category: General
Tags: Abuse, Advent, God With Us, healing, Incarnation, Mennonerds, The Femonite, The Jesus Event, Tyler Tully
Tyler Tully was a guest-poster on The Femonite today. He generally blogs at The Jesus Event and is a contributor to the Mennonerds network. His guest post deals with the flashbacks of a childhood filled…