Thank You
What We’re Thankful For
Category: General
Tags: Gratitude, Thank You, Thanksgiving
We wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who follow ReKnew and support our work through prayer, financial help, and also by spreading this message of the unfathomable love of God not only…
End of Year Reflection
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom, Kingdom Revolution, New Year, ReKnew, Thank You
As we approach the end of this year, I’d like to take a moment to personally thank all of you who are invested in ReKnew. Honestly, your prayers, your words of encouragement, and your financial…

Happy Birthday to Us
Category: General
Tags: Celebration, Missions, ReKnew, Revolution, support, Thank You
A♥ via Compfight It’s hard to believe, but it was on this day (June 30) one year ago that we launched the ReKnew website. Happy Birthday ReKnew!! As reflected in the ReKnew Manifesto, our goal…

Fundraiser Update
Category: General
Tags: Fundraising, Greg Boyd, Ministry, ReKnew, Thank You
THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to this ministry. This is such a great start and we’re feeling very grateful! Here’s where we’re at today: 56 monthly supporters $4810 in…