The myth clouds our vision of God’s distinctly beautiful kingdom… [Quotes]
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Quotes
“Instead of living out the radically countercultural mandate of the kingdom of God, this myth has inclined us to Christianize many pagan aspects of our culture. Instead of providing the culture with a radically alternative way of life, we largely present it with a religious version of what it already is. The myth clouds our vision of God’s distinctly beautiful kingdom and thereby undermines our motivation to live as set-apart (holy) disciples of this kingdom.”
A Natural Disaster With No One to Blame
Category: General
Tags: Problem of Evil, Providence
In a recent article from Relevant Magazine, Michael Hidalgo asks, “why are the leaders who claim that God acts through natural disasters so quiet all of a sudden?”
Thank you!
Category: General
Tags: ReKnew
I’d like to again welcome all of you to the new ReKnew website. In the weeks to come, I’ll unpack the theological vision of ReKnew. But I want to use today’s blog to express my profound appreciation to the people who have come around me to bring this exciting new ministry into being.

Greg Boyd: Relationship vs Religion [Video]
Category: General
Tags: Religion
In his April 29, 2012 sermon, Greg explains that what Jesus invites us into is much more than just another world religion.
“For many…the American flag has smothered the glory of the cross, and the ugliness of our American version of Caesar has squelched the radiant love of Christ.” [Quotes]
Category: General
Tags: Politics, Quotes
“This myth harms the church’s primary mission. For many in America and around the world, the American flag has smothered the glory of the cross, and the ugliness of our American version of Caesar has squelched…

Isn’t it contradictory to say Jesus is “fully God” and “fully human”?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Incarnation, Jesus, Q&A, Theology
Topics: Christology, Jesus: Lord or Legend
READER: God is, by definition, eternal, having neither beginning nor end. Human beings are, by definition, finite, beginning at a certain point in time. How, then, can Jesus be both God (eternal) and human (finite)?…
Welcome to ReKnew!
Category: General
Tags: ReKnew
Thanks for visiting! We’re delighted you came to check us out!
I and the team of people who helped launch this ministry are incredibly excited about the vision God has given us for ReKnew. We believe God has huge plans in store not only for this website, but for this ministry as a whole. It’s our hope and prayer that you will be impacted by this ministry and inspired to join us as we seek to advance the beautiful, peculiar, Jesus-looking kingdom of God.
Let me introduce you to ReKnew by sharing with you why we exist.
God’s Warriors
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Politics, Violence
Greg’s ideas on faith and politics were featured in the Peabody Award-winning CNN Presents: God’s Warriors. Watch the full video below. For more information, including behind the scenes footage, visit God’s Warriors – Special Reports from
Evangelical Politics: Three Generations
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Politics
Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd and Shane Claiborne represent three generations of influential evangelicals engaging in an intriguing discussion on the role of faith and politics. The lively conversation on NPR’s On Being (formerly Speaking of…
Divine Accommodation and the Cross: where Calvin was onto something
Category: General
Tags: Calvinism, Cruciform Theology, Scripture
Over the last few posts, I’ve been arguing that the cross represents the thematic center of everything Jesus was about. Hence, rather than striving to have a “Christocentric” theology — which is so broad it…
Answering an Objection to a Cross-Centered Approach to Scripture
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy, Q&A, Scripture
Topics: Christus Victor view of Atonement
Through Greg’s Facebook and Twitter, we’ve been getting some great feedback and questions regarding his cross-centered approach to Scripture. Several have voiced questions similar to the reader’s (below), so we thought it would be helpful to post Greg’s answer here on his blog.
How The Imperfections of Scripture Reveal God Perfectly
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy, Scripture
In my previous blog I discussed one important implication of a cruciform (“cross-centered”) approach to biblical inspiration. On the cross, I noted, God revealed his perfection by identifying with human imperfection. Jesus in some sense…
Scripture’s God-Breathed Imperfections
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Inerrancy, Scripture
“Inerrancy” of Scripture
As a conservative evangelical who accepted the “inerrancy” of Scripture, I used to be profoundly disturbed whenever I confronted contradictions in Scripture, or read books that made strong cases that certain aspects of the biblical narrative conflict with archeological findings.
Caught Between Two Conflicting Truths
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Jesus, Old Testament, Scripture, Violence
In my previous blog I tried to show that adopting a “Christocentric” approach to Scripture isn’t adequate, as evidenced by the fact that people adopting this approach often come to radically different conclusions. In fact, it seems…
Christ-Centered or Cross-Centered?
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Theology
The Christocentric Movement Thanks largely to the work of Karl Barth, we have over the last half-century witnessed an increasing number of theologians advocating some form of a Christ-centered (or, to use a fancier theological…
The Atlantic: Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? [On the Web]
Category: General
Tags: Ministry, Pop Culture
An excerpt of an article by Stephen Marche in The Atlantic : To [John] Cacioppo, Internet communication allows only ersatz intimacy. Forming connections with pets or online friends or even God is a noble attempt by an obligatorily…
Introduction to ReKnew
Category: General
Tags: ReKnew
There’s never been anyone like Jesus. Not even close. And yet, there’s no greater disconnect in history than the chasm between Jesus and many who claim his name. If you’re like most thinking people, you’re…

Category: General
Hello blog peeps. Long time no talk (except I yap everyday on Twitter). I miss this!! I didn’t intent to blog again until the ReKnew site was launched (after which time I assure you there…

Hey folks, I have some exciting news!
Category: General
If you have been visiting our website lately, you’ve probably noticed there has not been much new content or activity going on. Well, this is about to change. A LOT is about to change! Late…

NDY To Blow Minds This Friday!
Category: General
I know I know I know I KNOW! I haven’t blogged in FOUR months! After a long period of writer’s block (which had a lot to do with stupid neck pain) I have finally gotten…