How to Overcome the Flesh Mindset
Category: General
Tags: Flesh, Kingdom Living, Practicing the Presence of God, ReKnew
Unless you have taken intentional steps to change, the way you presently experience yourself and the world around you was mostly chosen for you, not by you. Think about that. You inherited a way of…
Lighten Up: Are You a Theology Nerd?
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: Adam Ford, Humor, Lighten Up, Theology
Are you a theology nerd? Click here, and if you find yourself nodding your head a lot, you probably are. And that’s OK. Image via Adam Ford
The Starting Point of Spiritual Transformation
Category: General
All spiritual transformation is the result of the Spirit removing the veil from our minds and allowing us to see the glory of God uncovered in the One who is his image, Jesus Christ. In…
The Impossible Command of God
Category: General
Tags: Being Present, Practicing the Presence of God, Present Perfect
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
Paul tells us we are to be “imitators of God” (Eph 5:1). The word for “imitate” (mimetai) literally means to “mimic” or to “shadow.” This means we are to do exactly what we see God…
The Spiritual Value of Doing Nothing
Category: General
Tags: Imaginative Prayer, Prayer, Rest
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
It is only when we cease from our striving and rest in the unconditional love of Christ that our soul begins to be nourished and restored. It is only then that we can experience a…
Lighten Up: Oldie But Goodie
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: God's Wrath, Lighten Up, Patriot's Bible
We thought we would bring this video back for today’s Lighten Up feature because it’s just too good to let it languish in the archives. Oh, and if you’re wondering what Greg was going to…
Guest Post: Is Hell the Center of our Faith?
Category: General
Tags: Hell, India, Mercy, Missionary Work, Trudy Smith
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
My husband Andy and I had been living in the slums of North India for over a year by the time we returned to one of our sending churches for a visit. We met with…
The Ultimate Criteria for Theology
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, God's Character, God's Love, Theology
Topics: Theological Method
Theology is thinking (logos) about God (theos). It is a good and necessary discipline, but only so long as it is centered on Christ. All of our speculation and debate about such things as God’s…
The Call to a Cruciform Life
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Enemy Love, Kingdom Living
Topics: Following Jesus
Jesus repeatedly taught that following him meant that one had to be willing to “pick up their cross daily and follow [him]” (Lk 9:23; 14:27). Picking up our cross is the centerpiece of following Jesus…
Love and Violence
Category: General
Tags: Augustine, Cruciform Theology, God is Love, Violence
What does it mean to confess that “God is love” and that we are called to “live in love” (Eph. 5:2)? One of the more common ways of understanding God’s love has its roots in…
Lighten Up: How To Make Life Better
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: Tripp and Tyler
No rodents were harmed in the filming of this video. And you’re welcome.
Should Christians Recite the Pledge of Allegiance?
Category: Q&A
Tags: America, Myth of a Christian Nation, Myth of a Christian Religion, Nationalism, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
A number of years ago I attended a basketball game at a Christian school. Just before the game everyone was asked to stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance. So I stood, placed my hand…
Why Prayer Matters
Category: General
Tags: Free Will, Prayer
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer
Two questions about prayer: What possible difference can prayer make to an all-good and all-powerful God? Why would an all-wise God leverage so much of his will being done on earth on whether or not…
Sermon Clip: That, Not How
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Adam and Eve, Creation, Literalism
The Genesis 1 creation story has always left people with questions. The main one being: Is Genesis 1 a literal story of how God created our universe? In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd talks about…
Are You Really Saved?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Already Not Yet, Bride of Christ, Covenant, Kingdom Living, Marriage, Salvation
Topics: Death and Salvation
When God came to rescue us through the Incarnation, the cross and the resurrection, he did a great deal more than merely provide a way for us to avoid the consequences of our sin. In…
Lighten Up: Osheta the Narniac
Category: Lighten Up
Tags: C.S. Lewis, Chronicles of Narnia, Mennonerds, Osheta Moore
You may not be aware of this, but Greg is a MennoNerd. What is a MennoNerd, you ask? According to their website, “MennoNerds is a network of Anabaptist bloggers, tweeps, Facebookers, and Google plussians (just made…
What Does it Mean to be “Holy”?
Category: General
Tags: Holiness, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Love
Topics: Following Jesus
Image by much0 via Flickr People today frequently associate the word “holy” with a list “do’s” and “don’ts” that “godly” people are supposed to adhere to. The concept of “holiness” in the Bible, however, is not…
Political Solutions Won’t Save Us
Category: General
Tags: Government, Kingdom of this World, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Image by h.koppdelaney via Flickr Jesus followers must retain a healthy suspicion toward every version of the kingdom of the world. After all, on the authority of God’s Word, we know that however good a particular…