Social Issues
Notre Dame and Why Beauty Matters
Category: General, Guest Contributor
Tags: Art, Beauty, Social Issues
Article by Jordan Sutton, from the Holy Week Art Series at ClearPath.Life “Is Paris burning?” That is a direct quote from Adolf Hitler in 1944 on a phone call with his general, Dietrich Hugo Hermann…
Podcast: Is it Okay to Have a Big Family?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Family, Social Issues
Greg discusses families, babies, and overpopulation.
Jesus’ Kind of Social Justice
Category: General
Tags: Justice, Political Idolatry, Politics, Social Issues
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
For many, the primary way of building the kingdom is to influence politics in order to make America more Christian. Others take the opposite approach, concluding that Jesus didn’t try to overhaul the political systems…
Podcast: Is the United States Segregated Still?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: America, Justice, Social Issues
Greg talks about racism and segregation in the United States and also talks about his time with John Perkins.
Sermon Clip: How Christians Should Respond to Ferguson
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Christian Life, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Living, Love, Non-Violence, Peacemaking, Sermons, Social Issues, Woodland Hills Church
In this clip from this weeks sermon, Greg Boyd comments on how Christians should respond to the events in Ferguson St. Louis and how that response should always be in love and to help heal…

Evangelism or Social Action: What’s the Priority?
Category: General
Tags: Evangelism, Myth of a Christian Religion, Social Issues
Throughout the last century Evangelicals were known much more for their emphasis on personal piety than for their social action. This is fortunately beginning to change. Pioneers like Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo and Ron Sider…

Jesus & Racial Reconciliation
Category: General
Tags: Church, Kingdom Revolution, Mennonerds, Racial Reconciliation, Racism, Social Issues
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Lorenia via Compfight If you were to read an account today of a white man offering his front row seat on a public bus to an elderly African American lady, you’d probably think this was…

Lighten Up: When Social Media Gets in the Way of Love
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Lighten Up, Social Issues

What About the Arizona Anti-Gay Bill?
Category: General
Tags: Homosexuality, Judgement, Love, Myth of a Christian Nation, Sin, Social Issues
HumanSeeHumanDo via Compfight The recent anti-gay bill in Arizona which was passed last week by the state’s Legislature and now sits on the desk of the Governor, would allow companies to deny service to or…

Take America (& the World) Back for God?
Category: General
Tags: Non-Violence, Politics, Social Issues, Violence
Kai Schreiber via Compfight Recently Missio Alliance has hosted a series of posts entitled “Christianity and Violence.” Since Greg has written quite a lot on this topic from the point of view of pacifism, we…

The Life and Death of MLK and What it Might Have to Say to Us
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Martin Luther King, Politics, Social Issues
Tony Fischer via Compfight Here is an EXCELLENT reflection from Jonathan Martin in answer to a question that was posed to him on how he reconciles his rejection of the politics of this world with…

homosexuality, truth telling, and love
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Sexuality, Social Issues
A Guy Taking Pictures via Compfight A couple weeks ago, we posted a portion of Greg’s sermon (and his comments) on the marriage amendment in Minnesota, homosexuality and finding a “Third Way”. Today we’re continuing…

On Consumerism
Category: General
Tags: Discipleship, Social Issues
Werner Kunz via Compfight As we enter the upcoming holiday season, most of us will be bombarded with advertisements attempting to convince us that what we have isn’t enough, that our lives are incomplete without…
The Right to Remain Silent
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics, Social Issues
A reader (Thanks Adam) sent us this reflection written by Jason Hess on how we as Christians sometimes use the freedom of speech in ways that are in opposition with our call to love. How…
Shouldn’t preachers rally Christians to fight political injustice?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Kingdom Living, Politics, Social Issues
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Question: My pastor has publicly supported your book The Myth of a Christian Nation. But he’s recently called on the church to take a stand against the injustice of our local government cutting funding for inner…

Does religious faith make someone a better politician?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Politics, Q&A, Social Issues
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Question: A recent poll showed that a majority of Americans agreed with the statement: “Religious faith makes someone a better politician.” In fact, a majority said they would never vote for a candidate who had…

Should churches have armed security guards?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Church, Peacemaking, Q&A, Social Issues, Violence
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence, Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Question: Recently (December, 2007) a security guard at New Life Church in Colorado Springs shot and apparently killed a man who was shooting people in the church parking lot. The pastor (Brady Boyd) hailed her…

Why do you have such a pessimistic view of government?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Politics, Q&A, Social Issues
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Question: I’m a Christian and serve as a servant in government and I find your book The Myth of a Christian Nation, as well as some of your sermons on Christians and politics, highly offensive….

Does the Bible teach total non-violence?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Peacemaking, Q&A, Social Issues, Violence
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
I wouldn’t say the whole Bible teaches non-violence, for you find Yahweh engaging in quite a bit of violence in the Old Testament. But I would say that the whole Bible clearly presents non-violence as…

Is homosexuality a sin?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Q&A, Sexuality, Sin, Social Issues
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, Sin
There are three passages in the Old Testament (Gen. 19: 1-13; Lev 18:22; 20:13) and three in the New Testament (Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; I Tim. 1:10) that have traditionally been read as prohibiting…
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