Lighten Up: Secret Mission
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Coffee With Jesus, Humor, Lighten Up
Cartoon from
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Anabaptists, Greg Boyd, Sermons, Tradition, Woodland Hills Church
In this sermon clip from last weekend, Greg discusses how throughout Scripture, we see a strong emphasis on positive traditions in the Church. In both the Old and New Testament, God repeatedly calls his people…

A Lenten Meditation on Jesus in the Desert
Category: General
Tags: Fasting, Jesus in the Desert, Lent Beautiful.

Love in Unexpected Places
Category: General
Tags: Iran, Israel, Israel loves Iran, Peacemaking, Ronny Edry
Here’s a letter we received from a reader pointing us to this TED talk: Hi, My Name is Austin. I’ve been a podrishoner at Woodland Hills Church for the past 3 years and frequently visit…
Category: General
Tags: David R. Henson, Jesus, Mark Driscoll, Picture of God, Religious Idolatry, Violence
Did any of you catch SNL this weekend? They did a parody of Tarantino’s DJango Unchained called DJesus Uncrossed. Many were deeply offended by the depiction of Jesus in this, but David R. Henson blogged…

The Dehumanizing Effects of Gender Roles
Category: General
Tags: Fully Human, Gender Roles, Legalism, Rachel Held Evans
Daniel DeCristo via Compfight Rachel Held Evans posted this really wonderful blog about the absurd legalism of gender roles. She not only calls out the legalism of these roles, but also the ways that we become…
Lighten Up: Sin
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Confession, Humor, Lighten Up, Sin
Might as well confess.
The Rorschach Test
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, God, Non-Violence, Open Theism, Rorschach Test, Truth
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
The choices we make will either increase or decrease our ability to recognize light when we see it. As we choose goodness, we increase our capacity for goodness. What do you see when you read the…

Do You Need to Starve a Little?
Category: General
Tags: Ash Wednesday, Fasting, Idolatry, Jesus, Kurt Willems, Lent
Sarah (Rosenau) Korf via Compfight Here’s a challenging reflection on Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent by Kurt Willems. He notes that Lent is a season where we choose to starve ourselves of our…
Are we God’s children by nature or adoption?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Adoption, God's Character, God's Love, Nature
Topics: Death and Salvation, Following Jesus
Greg addresses a reader question about our status as God’s children. Do we come by that by nature or by adoption? Scripture seems to give something of a mixed answer. What’s up with that?
Jesus and His Father
Category: Q&A
Tags: Father, God, God's Character, Godhead, Jesus, Son, Trinity
Topics: Trinity
Greg addresses a question from a reader about the nature of the Godhead. If Jesus is the exact representation of the Father, what does this mean about the Trinity, if there are indeed three distinct…

On Suffering and God’s Goodness
Category: General
Tags: God's Character, Kingdom, Suffering, Theodicy
Hani Amir via Compfight Seth Haines wrote a guest post on Tanya Marlow’s blog called The Overcoming Kingdom. He reflects on his young son’s illness and the questions it provoked in him, and the hope he…

Loving God With All Of Your Mind
Category: General
Tags: Bible, David D. Flowers, Doubt, Greg Boyd, Honesty, Humility
Rebecca-Lee via Compfight David D. Flowers posted this essay on loving God with your mind that reflects our stance on intellectual integrity as we approach Scripture. It even features a video clip of Greg talking…
Lighten Up: The Devil Messin’ With Ya
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Coffee With Jesus, Hell, Humor, Lighten Up, Satan

Leaving Westboro Baptist: Damsel, Arise
Category: General
Tags: Doubt, Grace, Growth, Megan Phelps-Roper, Westboro Baptist
Burstein! via Compfight A reader pointed us to this fascinating article about the defection of Megan Phelps-Roper from the notorious Westboro Baptist Church (Thanks Rocky). She’s the granddaughter of the founder and preacher Fred Phelps….
Sermon: Reframing the Sun
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Blessing, Colossians 3, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Living, Kingdom Responses, Life in Christ, Sermons, Theft, Woodland Hills Church
In our clip from this weeks sermon, Greg Boyd talks about how we respond to misfortunes and tragedies depends on how we frame them. In Colossians 3, Paul writes that Christ is all and is…

Swords into Plowshares
Category: General
Tags: Non-Violence, Peace, Peacemaking, Swords into Plowshares, War
Eneas De Troya via Compfight Kelley Nikondeha over at SheLoves wrote a penetrating essay on the work of peace and the prophet’s dreams of replacing the work of war into the work of feeding people. Peace…

The Evangelical Mind
Category: General
Tags: Doubt, Peter Enns, The Mind, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Theology, Wisdom
Peter via Compfight As a follow-up to Rachel Held Evans’ thoughts yesterday on the Scandal of the Evangelical Heart, we thought we would post this reflection by Peter Enns about the Deeper Scandal of the…

The Evangelical Heart
Category: General
Tags: Empathy, Evangelism, Rachel Held Evans, Theodicy, Theology
qthomasbower via Compfight Rachel Held Evans posted recently about The Scandal of the Evangelical Heart. Citing a comment by John Piper (“It’s right for God to slaughter women and children anytime he pleases. God gives life and…