
Court-of-Law Theology: How It Falls Short
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Faith, Theology
Courtney “Coco” Mault via Compfight Last week, we introduced a way of talking about theology with concentric circles. This approach is distinct from the common Western model of theology that depends upon a court-of-law framework….

How Should We Do Theology?
Category: General
Tags: Approaches to Theology, Bible, Revelation, Scripture, Theology, Wesleyan Quadrilateral
Topics: Theological Method
Delirious? via Compfight In yesterday’s post, we introduced a way of talking about theology with the use of concentric circles. At the center, is the revelational of Jesus—most keenly revealed on the cross. The next…

Lighten Up: Square Peg, Round Hole Theology
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: God, Lighten Up, Theology
This comic was featured in The Bohemian Bowmans. If you don’t follow them, you probably should check them out. They’re great.

Lighten Up: You Gotta Believe In Something, Man!
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Atheism, Belief, Faith, Lighten Up, Philosophy, Theology
Two things here: 1) How does this philosopher not see that “not believing in believing” is itself a belief? 2) Is that a turtleneck or is that philosopher just really hairy?
How should Christians respond to Near Death Experiences?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Death, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Living, Sermons, Theology
Topics: Death and Salvation, End Times, Following Jesus
In a recent Q and A session about the book of Revelation, Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy answer a question on How Christians should respond to claims of Near Death Experiences. You can view the…

The Future of Theology
Category: General
Tags: Kenosis, Open Theism, Roger Olson, Theology, Trinity
Chris Moore via Compfight Roger Olson recently published a blog arguing that there really are no new ideas out there in the realm of theology. Everything has pretty much been thought of or proposed. That…

When the Bible Isn’t Clear
Category: General
Tags: Fundamentalism, Roger Olson, Scripture, Theological Method, Theology
Mark Grapengater via Compfight Roger Olson wrote a post today entitled How to Solve a Theological Dilemma when Scripture Doesn’t Clearly Solve It: An Exercise in Theological Method. The title itself is provocative and problematic if you’re…

Lighten Up: The Problem of Suffering
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Job, Lighten Up, Peanuts, Q&A, Theodicy, Theology
The book of Job according to the Peanuts.

Open2013 Reflections
Category: General
Tags: Free Will, Greg Boyd, John Sanders, Open Future, Open Theism, ReKnew, T.C. Moore, Theodicy, Theology, Tom Belt, Tom Oord
Both participants and leaders share about what was happening at Open2013 and some of their thoughts on Open Theism. Listen in and hear from Greg Boyd, John Sanders, Tom Oord, T. C. Moore, Jessica Kelley…

Are Evangelicals an Endangered Species?
Category: General
Tags: Conflict, Division, Evangelism, Missions, Theology, Unity
Joits via Compfight Tim Suttle offered some thoughts on the Huffington Post a few days ago about the state of evangelicalism and what is needed to keep it from going the way of the dinosaurs….

The Evangelical Mind
Category: General
Tags: Doubt, Peter Enns, The Mind, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Theology, Wisdom
Peter via Compfight As a follow-up to Rachel Held Evans’ thoughts yesterday on the Scandal of the Evangelical Heart, we thought we would post this reflection by Peter Enns about the Deeper Scandal of the…

The Evangelical Heart
Category: General
Tags: Empathy, Evangelism, Rachel Held Evans, Theodicy, Theology
qthomasbower via Compfight Rachel Held Evans posted recently about The Scandal of the Evangelical Heart. Citing a comment by John Piper (“It’s right for God to slaughter women and children anytime he pleases. God gives life and…

Sermon: Diaper Power
Category: General
Tags: Christianity, Christmas, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Greg Boyd, Jesus, ReKnew, Sermons, Theology, Woodland Hills Church
In this short clip from Greg Boyd’s Sermon Diaper Power, he introduces the theme of the sermon where talks about how the poverty of the manger exemplified the power of God. In this sermon, Greg…

Theology Matters
Category: General
Tags: God, Theology from Covenant Life Church on Vimeo. We found this fun video over at David D. Flowers’ blog and loved it so much we wanted to share it with you here. Thanks David!

On Biblical Interpretation
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Theology
chad via Compfight Today we’re linking to a blog post from Rachel Held Evans about Biblical interpretation. In her post, Rachel writes about the complexities Christians encounter when our scriptural interpretations differ (emphasis is Rachel’s):…

Book Review: Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views
Category: General
Tags: Books, Spiritual Warfare, Theology
I just got the pre-release copy of Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views, edited by my friends James Beilby and Paul Eddy (IVP, 2012). The introduction alone is worth the price of the book! It is…

On Biblical Inerrancy
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Theology
Matthew Kirkland via Compfight In this essay, Peter Enns explains his views on Biblical inerrancy and the complexities encountered as evangelicals attempt to define the term. From the essay: Speaking as a biblical scholar, inerrancy…
Divine Drama
Category: General
Tags: Christian Living, Theology
Jeff K. Clark posted last week on God as Master Story-Teller and Finding Our Place Within the Divine Drama. There’s an enormous difference between talking about God using abstractions versus locating him in the stories…
Lighten Up: Theology
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Humility, Lighten Up, Theology
I stole this from a reader’s Facebook page. (Thanks Kevin.) It’s good to remember that we don’t really have it all figured out.