God’s Goal for the World
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Love, Repenting of Religion, Unity
Helga Weber via Compfight In a world that is all about doom and gloom… In a time when we never seem to have enough… In the midst of messages that tell us that we don’t…
Lessons from Jimmy Fallon
Category: General
Tags: Church, Fun, Jimmy Fallon
David Henson published a blog last week entitled 6 Things the Church Can Learn From Jimmy Fallon that we thought was a tad profound. What would the church look like if we embraced these lessons?…
Things I liked and things that bugged me about “Noah”
Category: General
Tags: Flood, Movie Review, Nephilim, Noah, Violence
I finally had a chance to go see Noah the other night and thought some might find a review helpful. Since this is a review of a movie and not a commentary on the biblical text,…
What’s Wrong With The World?
Category: General
Tags: Current Events, Evil, Kingdom Living, Living in Love, Soldiers, Spiritual Warfare
Hartwig HKD via Compfight The reports coming out of Fort Hood this morning once again highlight that our world is messed up. And it often feels like we are rearranging the deck chairs on the…
Sermons: The New Jerusalem Bride
Category: General
Will God scorch the earth at the end of this age? In this sermon clip, Greg discusses what the Bible says on this topic. Revelation provides us with a beautiful vision of the future…
In the Words of Satan
Category: General
Tags: Satan, Temptation It’s kind of like if Uncle Screwtape wrote a song…
In the Wilderness of Religion
Category: General
Tags: Doubt, Ed Cyzewski, Evangelism, Faith, Jesus, Religion, Religious Idolatry, Sarah Bessey, World Vision
Eric Bryan via Compfight There are an awful lot of us in the Church today who are no longer feeling at home in Evangelicalism. Regardless of how you feel about World Vision’s hiring policy decisions,…
Lighten Up: Shellfish
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Lighten Up
We’ve always secretly suspected that God just wanted to save the lobsters. Big old softie.
Don’t all religions believe in the same God?
Category: General
Tags: Bruxy Cavey, God, Jesus Bruxy Cavey takes a swing at this question and scores a home run.
How Revelation Uses Violent Images in an Anti-Violent Way
Category: General
Tags: Book of Revelation, Cruciform Theology, Non-Violence, Violence
All the violent scenes in Revelation are symbols for the battle of truth and deception. They never involve literal violence. In fact, they symbolize ANTI-VIOLENCE. The ingenious way John helps us get free of deception…
World Vision, Gay Marriage & Judgment
Category: General
Tags: Gay Marriage, Judgment, World Vision
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Courtney “Coco” Mault via Compfight Yesterday World Vision announced that it is now allowing gay Christians in legal same-sex marriages to be hired as well as gay Christians who follow their policy of abstinence outside…
Lighten Up: Um…
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Church Signs, Lighten Up, Love
Don’t hurt the people.
Guest Post: Culture War Neighbors by Bonnie Kristian
Category: General
Tags: Bonnie Kristian, Culture, Homosexuality, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Love, Mercy
Matteo Parrini via Compfight The first time I was aware of meeting a gay person, I was 18. I took a summer job waiting tables, and it turned out two of my coworkers were attracted…
When Science Starts to Smell Like Religion
Category: General
Tags: Biologos, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Religion, Science, T.C. Moore
Most of you know that, here at ReKnew, we try to come against some of the popular antagonism between the church and science. We think it’s a shame when christians pit themselves against legitimate scientific…
Why the Rapture is a Bad Idea
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Animals, Creation, End Times, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Rapture, Sermons, Tribulation, Woodland Hills Church
Is the Rapture really what you think it is? Most Christians believe that God will take his followers up to heaven before the really bad stuff starts on earth, but is this what the bible…
“Whatever it means, it cannot mean that.”
Category: General
Tags: Benjamin L. Corey, Determinism, Free Will, God, God's Character, Jesus, Predestination, Roger Olson, Romans 9
pure9 via Compfight Roger Olson wrote a great article a couple of days ago entitled Why (High) Calvinism Is Impossible. He points out that there is no way to understand God as “good” while also believing…
On the Language of “Revolution”
Category: General
Tags: Enemy Love, Kingdom, Love, Non-Violence, Pacifism, Revelation, Revolution, Viva la Revolution!
Nick Thompson via Compfight Question: The banner of your website and the thrust of much of your teaching focuses on “revolution.” While I can see a radical call in some of the sayings of Jesus,…
Is America God’s Favored Nation?
Category: General
Tags: America, Finances, Kingdom Living, Wealth and Responsibility
Bart via Compfight Is money a sign of God’s blessing? If so then the more you have the more blessed of God you are. If a church has more money, then more of God’s favor…